Fic: Precautionary Measures (NC17 Nathan/Claire)

Feb 15, 2009 02:11

Title: Precautionary Measures (1-2/2)

Author: ridley1013

Pairing: Nathan/Claire, very brief mention of Nathan/Tracy (past) & Nathan/Meredith (past), Peter/Claire if you squint really, really hard

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: dub/non-con, incest, graphic adult sexual situations & language, angst

Spoilers: 03x14 - “A Clear & Present Danger” (alternate ending)

Summary: A dark and twisted “what if” had Nathan held off on sending Claire home until *after* the plane’s departure. If you’re looking for romance, you won’t find it here.

Disclaimer: NBC & Tim Kring own, not me.

Author’s Note: The hangar scene was just begging to have fic written. Who was I to refuse? I changed two minor aspects of the scene: 1) I’m placing the military hangar in New York (since its location appears to be undisclosed), and 2) the car Nathan places Claire in appears to be a private luxury car (rather than a limo as I first thought) but a limo was better suited for what I had in mind. Claire is 18 years old. Bevington Airfield is not an actual place (but kudos to anyone who can figure out how Bevington fits into the Heroes universe!).
Part 01: No one touches her but me.

Part 02: Time to go for a ride...

pairing: claire/nathan, rating: nc17

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