Fic: Serenity

Feb 12, 2009 20:37

Title: Serenity [Excerpts from an unfinished fic]
Rating: PG-13 (no, really!)
Character, Pairing: Ensemble. No actual relationships developed, although there was Nathan/Peter, Mohinder/Sylar, and Elle/anything that moves planned for this.
Disclaimer: Firefly belongs to Joss, Heroes belongs to Tim. I know I’ve used verbatim lines from the Firefly pilot, but I couldn’t not do it. Don’t sue me.
Author’s notes: This is a Firefly/Heroes fusion fic (Heroes characters in the Firefly ‘verse, no Firefly characters). See the entry for more notes.
Warning: Unfinished, and likely to remain so.
Summary: The job should be simple: get a ship, get a crew, keep flying. But for Captain Nathan Petrelli, nothing ever goes smooth. When a job goes south and he has to take on some shady passengers all of his crew, and the life he’s built since the war, are endangered.

Mortars exploded over Serenity Valley. Night and smoke made visibility terrible, but occasionally the flash of an explosion lit up a section of the tunnel-ridden hills, illuminating a small group of soldiers crouched here or there among the rocks. Shouting and the rattle of big guns filled the valley. Sergeant Nathan Petrelli charged up the hill on a trail that was little more than a goat track leading to an entrenched cave. He threw himself flat in the dirt at the cave’s mouth just as an Alliance plane buzzed overhead, firing to obliterate the path he’d just followed. He spared a quick glance for the crater that marked where he’d been standing a minute before and made the sign of the cross before picking himself up and ducking into the cave.

character: claire bennet, rating: pg13, author: brighteyed_jill, character: hiro nakamura, !ensemble, character: kimiko nakamura, character: peter petrelli, !crossover, character: nathan petrelli, character: elle bishop, character: claude rains, character: mohinder suresh, character: mr. bennet (hrg/noah)

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