Ficlet: Sins of the Father (1/1)

Dec 27, 2008 13:38

Title: Sins of the Father
Characters/Pairing: Gabriel/Elle, baby Noah
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for some disturbing elements and violent imagery. Possible triggering content.
Word Count: 375
Spoilers: I'm going to say all of Volume Three, just to be safe.
Summary: Call me a she-lion or a monster, as you like, for I have aimed and hit my mark--my barb forever lodged in your cleft heart. AU future fic.
Notes: I wrote this a couple of months ago and uploaded it to FFN, but never got around to posting it on LJ. Apologies if you've already seen it on FFN!

Her pain has just begun its climb--like a building wave, it has not reached that peak where it will break, and crash.

pairing: gabriel/elle, rating: pg13, pairing: elle/gabriel, character: gabriel gray, character: elle bishop, author: fifmeister

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