Title: Silent and Starving
cidercupcakesRating: Adult
Pairing: Claire/Peter/Nathan; mentions of Claire/Peter and Nathan/Peter.
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: The characters and show aren't mine, but Kring's/NBC's/etc., and this is probably evidence that they shouldn't be mine. I'm making no profit off of this -- or any money at all, for that matter.
Notes/Warnings: Petrellicest. Written for the
Heroes Kink Meme, on the following prompt: Two of them are getting it on in the shower. Third person walks in on them & joins in the action. Bonus points if Peter's put in the middle. Title and summary from a translation of Pablo Neruda's
Love Sonnet XI.
Summary: (
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,/and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight )
Fake cut -- leads to the story at my personal journal.