Unfinished Molly-centric Epic

Jul 03, 2008 12:09

Title: The Walker Tracking System
Summary:She’s raised by two men so I suspect she might grow up to be a tomboy. She’s a little paranoid because she did see her parents get killed in front of her." -Interview with Adair Tishler 
Rating: Part: PG-13  so far.
Pairings: Background Matt/Mohinder so far. This really isn't a slash story, though, as it isn't central to the plot, just simply mentioned here and there.
Blatherings: I posted the first eleven parts of this over at mytwoheroes some time ago. There's a twelth part now. Also, I'm experimenting with flawed narration, although it isn't entirely evident now unless you're looking for it. 
Warning: Cliffhanger. Sorry, my bad.
Link: To the first part here. The links to the next parts are located at the bottom of the post.

character: sylar, character: molly walker, pairing: matt/mohinder, character: matt parkman, character: mohinder suresh

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