Heroes Missing Scenes Ficathon! RULES

Sep 26, 2011 09:58

Heroes Missing Scene Ficathon!

This is a challenge to create fanfic with an emphasis on Missing Scenes from Heroes. Missing scenes can be something during an episode that you would have liked to see, or it can be flashbacks to the character's past that you are filling in with your knowledge of the character. You can also write scenes from time travel episodes like "Five Years Gone" or "I am Become Death". We’ve been doing the Rewatch for weeks now, and I’m sure you’ve noticed some holes that need to be filled.

There is a limit of three signups per character. One character per person at each round, please. This will be first-come, first-served. There will be at least two rounds to pick more characters. You may combine the character you’ve picked with any other character to write your missing scene without needing to pick the other character.

For example:
You pick Noah. You can write any missing scene you want with any other character i.e. Claude without being assigned Claude.

PAIRINGS:Gen and all pairings are welcome as long as they are canon based. That means there is definitely Petlar in the Wall, and there might be Petrellicest in season 1. Sylar and Claire never did it, while Sylar and Elle did.

WORD COUNT:Minimum word count for fic is 500 words. There is no maximum. Art should be at least one completed piece.

DROPPING YOUR CHARACTER: Please let us know as soon as possible that you cannot write for your character, so that someone else can take your claim. There are only 3 sign ups per character, so please be considerate and don't sign up if you cannot complete your claim.

SWAPPING CLAIMS: If you and a friend can make a deal, I'm OK with that, but you must let me know in a reply on the sign up post where you have been assigned your claim. Only one swap per participant.

Oct 1, 2011 - Sign Ups for Round 1
Oct 15, 2011 - End of Round 1 Sign Ups

Oct 16, 2011 - Sign Ups for Round 2
Oct 31, 2011 - End of Round 2 Sign Ups

Nov 1, 2011 - Sign Ups for Round 3 (if we have one)
Nov 15, 2011 - End of Round 3 Sign Ups
December 1, 2011 thru February 29, 2012 - Open posting to Heroes_Faves.

Claims List

1. Adam Monroe
2. Alejandro Herrera
3. Alex Woolsley
4. Alice Shaw
5. Ando Masashi
6. Angela Petrelli
7. Arthur Petrelli
8. Bob Bishop
9. Candice Wilmer
10. Chandra Suresh
11. Charlie Andrews
12. Charles Deveaux
13. Claire Bennet
14. Claude Rains
15. Daniel Linderman
16. Daphne Millbrook
17. DL Hawkins
18. Eden McCain
19. Edgar
20. Elle Bishop
21. Emile Danko
22. Eric Doyle
23. Gabriel Gray
24. Gretchen Berg
25. Hana Gitelman
26. Heidi Petrelli
27. Hiro Nakamura
28. Isaac Mendez
29. Jessica Sanders
30. Kaito Nakamura
31. Luke Campbell
32. Lydia
33. Matt Parkman
34. Maury Parkman
35. Maya Herrera
36. Meredith Gordon
37. Micah Sanders
38. Mohinder Suresh
39. Molly Walker
40. Nathan Petrelli
41. Niki Sanders
42. Noah Bennet
43. Peter Petrelli
44. Rene the Haitian
45. Samuel Sullivan
46. Sandra Bennet
47. Simone Deveaux
48. Sylar
49. Tracy Strauss
50. West Rosen

Please spread the word!

- This is a challenge to create fanwork (fic or art) with an emphasis on Missing Scenes from Heroes.

Sign Ups Open Now!


Edit: I updated the rules, and I removed the Art option. I couldn't think of how to make the art option work since there are no screencaps to work from in scenes that never were filmed.

!missing scenes ficathon, !mod, ficathon

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