Fic: "Detour" Lydia, Hesam | rated PG

Feb 28, 2012 22:05

Title: Detour
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,252
Characters/Pairings: Lydia, Hesam, mention of Samuel, Amanda, Eli, Edgar and Peter, Edgar/Lydia implied, Santiago (minor)
Spoilers/Warnings: Season 4. No spoilers.
Notes: Written for the "Missing Scenes Ficathon" at heroes-faves for my Lydia claim. Missing scene takes place in "Close to You" of Season 4. The character Santiago is loosely based on the Heroes Evolutions character.

Summary: Lydia takes a risk and searches for Peter Petrelli, only to find his partner Hesam instead.

genre: gen, character: peter petrelli, !missing scenes ficathon, rating: everyone, media: fic

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