Wanted: Beta For AU Fanfic Series

Jul 01, 2007 18:26

Title: Crossroad *Tenative Title* (Series)

Genre:  Het/Alternate Universe (AU)/Drama/Actioon
Pairings or Characters: Nki & Jessica Sanders, Peter Petrelli, Gabriel Grey (Sylar), Linderman
(these are the current main characters - more to add as story evolves)

Type of Beta you'd like: Plot/Storyflow, Grammer/Spelling

Length of story: Series (Multi-Chapters)
Short Summary of your story:
The story is currently in development. I don't want to reveal to much but essentially
this is a total AU Fanfic taking a look at the younger years of Sylar, Peter, Niki & Jessica.
I'm looking for a beta who will be comfortable with the idea of Peter/Niki as a potential pairing
in this story and can deal with it.
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