Round #17 - Rules & Info

Apr 10, 2011 22:43


01. To participate in this round, you must be a member of the community and be listed here. You will be given posting access as soon as this post goes up.
02. Do not submit your icons to this entry. Post all 20 icons at once. You can post your icons to your personal journal, icon community or directly to this comm. Please make sure that all the icons are behind an lj-cut or linked to your journal/community with the exception of 3 teaser icons. No banners please.
03. Icon posts must be public until voting is closed. We need to be able to see your entries to make the voting posts, and people shouldn't have to join your community or friend your journal in order to see your icons.
04. All icons must be new and made for this challenge; you may not submit prior work or someone else's icons. If we find that you've broken this rule, you will not be allowed to participate in the next round.
05. Icons must fit the LJ standards: under 40 kb, 100x100px and in either png, gif or jpg format. Maximum rating for all icons is PG-13, meaning no nudity.
06. All entries are moderated.
07. Please use the provided table to post your icons. Colours and fonts may be edited.
08. Your 20 icons are due on April 30th.
09. Tag your icons with the available tags:
- round ??, entries: round ??, user: (your username), character: (your character)

If your username tag is not available yet, I'll add it to your entry later.


01. Faceless
02. Rotate
03. Close Crop
04. Border : icon must include a visible border
05. Negative Space
06. Text : icon must included three or more words
07. Duplicate : the same image utilized twice
08. Texture : icon must include a texture
09. Mirror : a mirror of the image used or an actual mirror reflection
10. Color Splash : icon must be mostly black and white with one area of color


11-15. Technical Expertise : each icon should show off a technical effect not already showcased in the themes


16-20. Artist's Choice : whatever you want.

If you have any questions about the themes or want examples & suggestions for the category, let me know and I'll try to provide answers.

Please use the following table to post your icons. Colours and fonts may be edited :)






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