Title: Elusive
force-obliqueRating: G
Disclaimer:Obviously, i dont own anything! :P
Characters/Pairings: Sylar/Claire + OC for the alternative ending.
Table/Prompt: Table #7, "Elusive"
Word Count: 972 + 1316 with the alternative ending.
Summary: Sylar's feelings as he stalks his next victim...
Author's Notes: Not really spoilerish. And I think it's really weird..I hope in a good ay! Nothing like it ever happened on the show,so this isn't like my previous fic, a take on an actual scene of the show... Like I said this is only my second attempt at a Heroes fiction so ...continue to be gentle.. :D
Crossposted at my fiction/lyrics lj@
souls-eclipse and my personal lj @
force-oblique He leans in closer to her as she sleeps. Beautiful, innocent,unaware.
She calmly breathes in and out. One breath at a time. Her breathing almost resembles a song, he thinks. A tune stuck in his head. A tune that would stick in his head for years to come.