(no subject)

May 22, 2007 16:26

Title: Beyond
Author: cazrolime
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to NBC and Tim Kring, and I am too full of shockwow to think up a wittier way of putting that.
Character: Sylar.
Table/Prompt: Table 4, Prompt 04 (Beyond).
Word Count: 308
Spoilers: ‘How to Stop an Exploding Man’ LIKE WOAH.
Summary: This was a power they did not know he had, though it was through their efforts that he’d acquired it.
Author's Notes: MY GOD, THAT EPISODE. And I went through about five summaries before I wrote one that was non-spoilery. Um, anyway. This fic does link to the prompt word, I swear. At least, it does in my mind. But see above comment about shockwow and draw your own conclusions as to how reliable my mind is right now.

( He had seen how it was both below him, both below-and so very far above. )

character: sylar, table: 4

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