Dark Sun - Sylar/Maya

Nov 11, 2007 17:34

Title: Dark Sun
Author: force-oblique
Rating: G
Disclaimer:Sylar, Maya or Alejandro dont belong to me.
Characters/Pairings: Sylar-centric/ Maya, mention of Alejandro
Table/Prompt:Table #7, "Sun"
Word Count: 1.048
Summary: Sylar’s plans as he rides with Maya and her brother towards Mohinder Suresh.
Author's Notes/Warning/Spoilers: I beleive it is kinda weird! It is the first Syalr/Maya fiction I have ever written so be gentle! :)
Crossposted at my ff Archive souls-eclipse and to lots of other places! :D
To read my other Heroes stories: Click

Dark Sun

He sees her and can’t help but grin. He hopes no one saw him. He is not supposed to smile because none of this is funny. But then again it is.
He glances at her again. Her tanned skin, her black hair, her unique eyes…
He glances at her graceful arms while she is driving.

They are in the middle of nowhere. They know where to go but how to get there; is fuzzy.

She seems determined, her pursed lips are indicative of that and they tempt him.
He wished he could make her scream just to see those lips part.

"After all, she was a shiny new toy and she was all his…"

table: 7, general series

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