Title: Untitled (any ideas would be great)
Rating: PG for creepiness (but not too graphic), courtesy of Sylar
Disclaimer: Heroes is the property of Tim Kring's brilliant mind and NBC. Just playing in their sandbox.
Characters: Molly (main), with Molly's parents, Sylar, Matt, and Mohinder
Pairing: None. Bittersweet genfic.
Table/Prompt: Table 3, Prompt 7 (Always)
Word Count: 1436
Spoilers: Post finale with major spoilers for 1x02 and 1x23.
Summary: Molly has a nightmare about the day Boogeyman came to her house.
Author's Notes: First Heroes fanfic. Creepy and bittersweet, so if that isn't your cup of tea, don't read this. Crossposted.
The dream always starts out innocently enough...