Title: That Night at the Motel (or, “How Inane Can I Make This Title?”)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to NBC and Tim Kring.
Characters: Mohinder and "Zane".
Pairing: Mylar!
Table/Prompt: Table 4, Prompt 15 (Want).
Word Count: 737
Spoilers: "Run" and "Unexpected".
Warnings: PWP. On crack. Manly luvvins and superficial bruising.
Summary: …you know the meaning of PWP, yes?
Author's Notes: Because I'm a bad doobie who forgot it was
threthiel9's birthday. Also I fail at smut, but okay. Forgiveness?
The pupil of Zane's eye was picked out in yellow, as was his rough cheekbone, and the corner of his lopsided smirk. )