Yeah, apparently. What the hell's the matter with you?! Apparently being crazy isn't the requirement for fucking around with my family anymore, it just seems to come naturally to you!
Strife, listen to yourself. You are so irrationally defensive that had I even explained myself, you'd have dismissed me immediately. Simon has a unique gift that, if used properly, could spell our escape from this place. You were not protecting him, you were condemning the rest of us to capture.
He's not one of your SOLDIERs or a nameless Shinra trooper! He's a little boy that shouldn't be burdened with that kind of responsibility! Not everyone was a military freak at five like you were, get it through your head!
...I'm going to go find my kid. I don't give a flying damn what you're doing in the mountains, I don't want him a part of it. You're reasonably intelligent; figure something else out.
Why the HELL did you talk to him before asking me?!
He's not one of your SOLDIERs or a nameless Shinra trooper! He's a little boy that shouldn't be burdened with that kind of responsibility! Not everyone was a military freak at five like you were, get it through your head!
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