Feb 02, 2006 01:00
I remember last time during a year past I wanted to save someone close to me. I was warned that i'd get hurt, and in the end I did. But I learned alot of valuable lessons and she changed me for the better, and I met some really awesome people along the way. She made me who I am today, kinda wish she knew, through ALL of that, how thankful I am for my time with her, I regret my actions, but if they didn't happen, well, I couldn't be who I am today right?
I've been dating and while im (hopefully) wiser for the wear, i've fallen to save someone else. It starts again, all over again. Torn apart by life and distance, soon by letter may be the only way to communicate for a while.
Who knows, things may look up. I'm just...worried. As always.
IM me people on yahoo or AIM, my computers not the social network it used to be...or what im trying to say, since im always having trouble saying how I really feel in simple words...
I miss you all. I really do. If you read this, IM me, it'll make my day, it always does!