Jan 31, 2005 15:52
Oh and i am workign at giant again, this time i'm in Deli even tho jim told me otherwise, i came in yesterday to work as a bager since thats what i was told, Allen disagreed with me saying i was wrong and i'm an adult now i should listen to directions and i sohuld be responsible enough to handle them.. he said nothign about deli jim said front end last so i went front end, do not lecture me i dont like being lectured and i sure as fuck dont like being talked down too. So now i'm in deli learning that after beign in the office for a half an hour of them bitchin at my jeans i've had forever if you dont like my jeans then i dont like paul's wifebeaters, they aren't company policy either man but i dont hear you mentioning anytihng there.. oh well, and my other job is going okay i guess.. i'm hungry so i tihnk imma go find food!