and hero in black said "let there be journal"

Feb 06, 2004 17:43

...and there was journal. And the people saw the journal, and it was good. Yes, I got off my arse and created this haven for long and senseless outpourings of my troubled psyche, so now that you have basked in the glory, I'll be getting back to my regularly scheduled programming *begins watching the patterns on the back of eyelids*

If you all were looking for an account of my day in these entries you might sometimes be dissapointed, because I think writing down what I had for breakfast or what movie I saw last night is a rather large waste of my time. If you are looking to see what goes on inside my tangled mass of a mind, however, that is what you will probably find more of here. Emotions are complicated and easier to express in writing than speech(Lana, you would know this as well I think ;^P)

*sigh* Life stubbornly refuses to be calm, easy and happy. Mankind apparently is doomed to repetedly bash itself in the head with its nine iron whilst trying to acheive its proverbial hole in one of happiness and contentment. My circle of friends is not exempt from this. I do not claim to be any expert in the realm of creating perfect equilibrium in my own life, but it is sad to watch those I know weave back and forth across the fine line between self contentment and self sacrifice that we have to walk as members of the human race like the drunks who will be pulled over later this friday night do in a futile effort to prove their sobriety. The question is: where does that line lie, that is to say, at what point does it become wrong to pursue one's own happiness?
It is impossible not to hurt other people at some point in your life, in one way or another. So how much is too much, on either side? Trying not to hurt anyone is useless, because your martyrdom in self sacrifice is inevitably going to weigh upon the ones you love. However it is also wrong not to concern oneself with the problems of others, and to simply try to make oneself happy. Is the answer then to give back what you take? Perhaps, but is that as easy as it sounds? Dunno... philosophy is fun but tiring, and I seem to have to debate it with myself 24/7. What say all you?
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