1. What are/were your parents’ names?
[locked to those who know] Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van. [/locked]
Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent née Clark.
2. Where are/were they from?
[locked to those who know] Krypton. [/locked]
Dad's from Smallville and mom's from Metropolis.
3. How did they meet?
[locked to those who know] No idea. [/locked]
At Met U. Dad asked to borrow mom's notes from a financial course they were both taking.
4. How long were they together before you came along?
[locked to those who know] ...no idea. [/locked]
Five or six years, I think.
5. Were you an accident?
[locked to those who know] No. [/locked]
I was certainly unexpected.
6. What did you love most about them growing up?
They made me feel wanted and loved, and that I belonged.
7. Did/do your parents fight a lot?
[locked to those who know] No idea. [/locked]
They have their disagreements, but I wouldn't call it anything more than normal.
8. Or did/do they have sex a lot?
[locked to those who know] La la la. Not going there. [/locked]
9. What is the worst argument you ever overheard them having?
Probably over whether or not to send me to school.
10. Were/are they affectionate?
[locked to those who know] I have a feeling my mother was. [/locked]
11. What is your favorite memory of them?
[locked to those who know] Meeting my mother. My father... him meeting my grandparents. [/locked]
I have a lot, so it's hard to pick just one. So I won't.
12. Scenario: You walk into the house and find your parents getting busy on the dining room table. What do you do? What do you think they would do?
Close my eyes, leave and vow never to eat off that table again. They'd probably attempt to be modest and then giggle after I'd left and go upstairs to finish.
13. Were/are your parents hip or lame?
[locked to those who know] I don't know if those concepts even existed. They seem to have been up to date, anyway. [/locked]
I'd have to go with hip, though dad's possibly a little further behind on that one than mom is.
14. Did/do they ever embarrass you in front of others?
Not that I really remember, no.
15. Which parent wears/wore the pants in the relationship?
[locked to those who know] As much as I'd like to say my father, having met my mother, I don't think she'd just let him rule the roost without question. [/locked]
They're pretty equal, actually.
16. Have you ever seen one of them crying?
[locked to those who know] Yes. [/locked]
17. Did/do you ever wish they would get divorced?
[locked to those who know] No. Just that they'd survuived. [/locked]
Of course not.
18. Were/are they the type to spontaneously dance around the kitchen together or sit quietly in the living room ignoring each other?
[locked to those who know] I think the former, in their own way. [/locked]
The former. Although they've had their share of the latter, too.
19. Do you think your parents made you or ruined you?
[locked to those who know] See below. [/locked]
They made me. And I don't think, I know.