[Journal Entry] A Foreboding Storm

Mar 24, 2010 00:13

I've come upon a strange mansion, of which I knew nothing until this present time. The rain picked up suddenly today after I left my office, and I was forced to abandon my drive home. At a loss for what to do next, what should I see appear but this mansion! It was as if it had appeared from the air itself - however, I know better than to believe such nonsense. It pains me to say I must be getting weak in my observational skills. This I plan to remedy posthaste.

But returning to the original point. With gas running low, and no other plan, I decided to seek shelter in this mansion. I've met a veritable circus of people here - people claiming to be wizards, supernatural detectives, even those who claim to serve the monarchs of the Old Regime. I don't know what sort of crew I've stumbled upon, but I must admit I will be glad to leave here tomorrow. Yes, I am forced to stay the night - there are no phones in this whole place, believe it or not! No one seems to own a cell phone, either... and I seem to have misplaced mine... Either way, I realize now that the weather is so bad that I could not have expected anyone to pick me up. But I could have at least told someone where I was.

I hope Pesu can do on her own tonight. I'd hate for her to get lonely without me, or frightened from the storm. Detective Gumshoe will probably check on her later and feed her when he doesn't hear from me, so at least she will have some company. I should give her a treat upon my return.

Note to self: Probably from exhaustion and stress from being so overworked lately, have started to see some strange amalgam of man and cat. Hallucination has gotten particularly detailed. If persists, take a vacation immediately; or seek a psychological evaluation.

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