Dec 25, 2008 12:00
The day after christmas.
We just ate a nice little "family" breakfast and chatted a little about everything. Hehe. Me,Mum and Maria can really DICUSS things.
I want to sing some more on the singstar, but maria probably dosen't want to.. Too bad for her so isn't she the one to decide what she does and what she dosen't. I am. (LOL)
Tomorrow, we will go to grandmas and eat some more food. Hehe. I'm gonna put on weight after the holidays, even though I usually don't, and I feel "lighter" then I usually do.. I don't know if that means that I've gained weight or that I've lost weight.. Or if nothing has happend. But I feel LIGHTER. Like.. I can fly or something. Hehe, no.. Just that I feel lighter in a weird way. Dunno what it means.
I've gotten crazy over Danny&Björn Gustafsson. Don't ask me why. After we saw the DVD I just gotten all kinds of crushes. Blurrr... I miss Lucas in school.. I wonder how he's doing with his little crappy girlfriend. I could be SUCH A BETTER girlfriend to him, not that he cares.
björn gustafsson,