Well I don't really live here anymore...

Jun 20, 2007 15:39

ok. So I am so sorry to everyone for the quick exit and no explanation.

I am back on LiveJournal now but no longer at this address(username) anymore. For graphic updates, and boring life stuff you can now find me at katcal062301.

So many things have changed in my life recently, so I felt the need to make a fresh start here on LJ as well.

I no longer live in Arizona. We have moved to California and are all settled in now. I still work for the same company, but in their OC office. The state regulations regarding teacher requirements are different so I have been learning new job related things lately. The best thing about being here, well besides the obviously wonderful view of the ocean, is the weather. Arizona is basically HOTT all year round. You get about two months of cooler weather and then it is hott again. But here it is wonderful! The worse thing for me so far is the traffic. It never lets up. Not even on the weekends. I guess eventually I will adjust. We are still struggling financially (some things never change). But all in all, happy to be in California and happy to be back on LJ.

For future updates and other boring blah blah blah.....make sure to friend the new journal katcal062301, this will be my last offical entry at this journal.
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