Generalised Life Update: Supernatural, Buffy, Fanfiction, etc.

Feb 21, 2013 14:27

Hello everyone!

So, yes. I've not been around. I've not been checking my flist, and I've not been posting except for trying to catch up with Lightning Clan. And to be honest, I don't think that's about to change in the near future - however much I'd like it to. This makes me sad.

A bit of housekeeping for now:

1. Supernatural reviews. I don't think I'm going to carry on doing them. It's been really good fun, and I do not like the idea of leaving the season seven set unfinished, so I might get back to them at some point - maybe later in the summer - but for now I'm just putting them away. I genuinely have no time, and I'm sorry about that.

2. Fanfiction. You'll have noticed that I'm mostly just posting chapters from Lightning Clan to my journal in a reoccuring and repetitive pattern. Sorry if that's a little dull, but it's the main thing I have to catch up with - I'm on chapter five here, but chapter twelve/thirteen on, and I want them to match up. I'm also behind on the 21 fandoms, 21 fics thing. I'm not dropping that, but again due to the busy nature of my life it's kind of on hold until I can get my head back into it.

3. Life in general. The busy that is my life, in case you were wondering, currently consists of two volunteering jobs (charity shop and theatre), the hunt for a paid job (on my own and with an agency), three societies (two meet twice a week and one once a week), my Master's degree (currently: changing my dissertation topic and working on creating a poetry presentation), and setting up the third ever Harry Potter readaloud for May 4th (whoo!). I'm also going to see The Woman in Black on Monday!

4. Buffy! The coolest thing going on for me right now is I'm watching Buffy from the beginning with pandafoot105, who unbelievably has never seen it before. This is truly delightful. *grins* The most recent episode we've watched is the first episode of season three, Anne. She seems to really be enjoying it, and although I always enjoy a bit of Buffy it's twice as fun watching it with someone else. Because of the Buffyness of my brain right now, I currently have this:

Buffy Top Ten Episodes

1. Restless (4.22)
2. The Body (5.16)
3. Once More With Feeling (6.7)
4. Showtime (7.11)
5. Potential (7.12)
6. Hush (4.10)
7. Tabula Rasa (6.8)
8. School Hard (2.3)
9. Him (7.6)
10. Conversations with Dead People (7.7)

Also, I wanted to include Normal Again (6.17) but I didn't think of it until after I'd done the list and I wasn't sure where it would go. It's a brilliant episode, but it also makes me want to curl up in a ball and never come out until it stops hurting, so I think it deserves a place off to one side somewhere >.>

Other episodes that I was thinking about included The Pack (1.6) because Hyena!Xander is the funniest thing ever, Lessons (7.1) because of that final speech, Halloween (2.6) and Band Candy (3.6) because GIIIIIILESSSSS, and Storyteller (7.16) and Superstar (4.17) because I love me some nerdy takeover episodes. Does anyone else have any favourites?

pandafoot105 you have been warned; stay out of this post, there are spoilers! What episodes/seasons/story arcs/characters were your favourites, guys? Which ones do you rewatch the most/remember the best? And failing that: how are you? Do feel free to leave a comment saying hi even if you're not a Buffy fan :)


lists, fandom: supernatural, real life: work, fanfiction: about, real life: university, spoilers, reaction: squee, tidying up, play: woman in black, questions, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer

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