RL fail...

Dec 15, 2012 09:06

Apparently posting "wahey, I'm back - time to get back to regular posts!" or anything of that nature is similar to not bringing an umbrella out in England because "the forecast said it'd be sunny". >.< I've been flooded with stuff - the week immediately after November I was doing so many different things (drama show and MPS show) that I actually made myself ill. :( I'm feeling better now, but I'm still recovering a bit.

Due to the apparently jinxing nature of my previous post (Edit: that's ignoring HB's birthday post, I'd forgotten about that one!), I'm not going to commit to any posts after this one. I will tell you that I have about three SPN reviews to type up, four chapters of LC to post, and a new little Sherlock fic that I'm thoroughly enjoying writing. Should any of those things manage to wind their way onto LJ in the next week or so I shall be delighted. But otherwise I shall just have to prioritise, for the time being, the one hundred and one things that RL is demanding of me.

To be honest, I think it all hangs on how well Sunday goes; I'm supposed to be lurking in the library all day to get some research done for my first two MA essays (five thousand words each, they are ever so helpfully due on the same date in January) and then a bit of more leisurely reading to decide on my dissertation topic this year (despite the little person who lives in the back of my head crying something along the lines of "but I only just finished one of thooooose!"). I've spoken to people at work (volunteering at Save the Children) and I think they'll have enough people to run the shop on Monday if I don't come in, but I've been asked to drop in when the shop opens in the morning just to see what's going on. Then, hopefully, I'll get most of my Monday back, which I really do need as I've then got my last seminar that evening and I'm leaving for London Tuesday morning...

I've still got a couple of things to sort out before I go home; a bit of tidying, some Christmas cars, two things I need to change my address on (bad procrastinating H)... and actually, not that much more. Though I could do with doing a load of washing :/

*sighs* Well, I feel calmer now. If I throw small snippets of Merlin fluff (my go-to in a posting crisis) at you in the next week, be aware that its because I'm having no-post guilt. Hahahahaha.

Hope you're all well. Does anyone else have this problem, where they just don't get time to post? It's been about two months since I've gotten to checking my flist, for which I apologise. If there's anything super cool you spotted - or if you posted a little talky thing like this and you didn't get any comments which made you sad - do draw my attention to it. To be honest, I'd be glad of the internet contact :P


real life: work, fanfiction: about, reaction: grrargh, plan, real life: university, livejournal, is: procrastination, sanity, tidying up, minipost, real life: essay

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