I'm alive!

Sep 26, 2012 00:59

Hello all! I apologise for my recent absence from LJ. Barring my regular update of Lightning Clan (which is enough of a priority that I even manage it when I'm very busy), I've not been around for a good couple of weeks. I have neglected Supernatural, fanfiction, my original fiction projects, my lovely and appropriate timetable wot I made, and even the idea of eating something other than takeaway, cereal, toast or scrambled egg (don't tell my mother).

It sounds, when I read that back, as though I've been undergoing some kind of hugely transforming life experience or some great stress.

I really haven't - unless, of course, you count a huge attack of lethargy.

I feel rather disappointed in myself, as although there are a few things I've been successful with I've mostly been scrunched up with my laptop reading fml and ettiquettehell (not even reading fanfiction!). I've had a few exciting things I should mention, however.

Firstly, I went to see Matilda the Musical in London before I travelled back up to York. It was INCREDIBLE. I don't think I can do it justice on here, and I'm not really the reviewing type, so I'll just recommend that if you get the opportunity to see it, take it! Brilliant stuff.

Secondly, uni! I'm back, I'm registered, I've had my MA induction (neither dull nor eventful) and all the societies are starting up again. So that's very cool. I'm very excited about being one of the two Assistant Directors at Drama this year. I really love that side of it, perhaps as much as I love being on stage *flails*. I spent most of Fresher's Fair dressed as Henry the Hoover and shouting myself hoarse, and we had the first Drama Society session tonight which went excellently well. *beams* SO much fun. We had about thirty people, which was very impressive, even though I know that number will drop at some point as it usually does.

Musical Production Society is starting to get going (I'm very frustrated by how they're organising their auditions this year, but more on that another time) so I've got that back - and Sci Fi started on Monday. They had seventy people at that meeting, it was insane. I mean that as a compliment - having started the society with barely the ten needed to make it official, I find it incredible that it's this popular now.

Also, I very recently (yesterday) read The Hunger Games trilogy in about twenty-four hours. This is why I don't allow myself to read new books often, because regardless of their quality they become my single obsession until I finish them. Not that The Hunger Games is lacking in quality - I thoroughly enjoyed the series, despite my natural wariness of anything that's that popular before I've got there :D I didn't know loads about it, but I've been meaning to see what the fuss was about for a while and I'm glad that I did.

Other than that, life is pretty quiet. I've just been overall useless at everything. I think I'm beginning to get back to actually doing things now that I have a kind of timetable with all my society meetings, and it'll get even better when my actual course starts in a couple of weeks. And then it'll be my housemate's birthday, and then headlesshedwig is coming up from Oxford, and then NaNo starts and then it's my birthday and then I see my parents because it's my official graduation and it's all going to get so busy!

*grins* I'm really looking forward to it. I always get more done when I have less time. Probably an indicator that there's something wrong with me :P

Anyway, I promise I still exist and haven't abandoned everyone. I shall be back in the morning with an SPN review, and probably follow it up in the evening with some fic.

How is everyone? Who's back at uni/college? Is anyone doing their first September out of education? That'll be me next year, it's going to be strange. Do drop by to say hello in the comments :)


obsession: books/reading, fandom: supernatural, fanfiction: about, reaction: boom, real life: university, event: nanowrimo, fandom: hunger games, livejournal, reaction: squee, is: procrastination, sanity, tidying up, real life: odd happenings, show: matilda

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