May 04, 2012 10:32

This morning at approximately quarter past eight, I handed in my dissertation - titled 'Fanfiction as an Emerging Genre'. IT IS DONE. Dear Merlin, remind me never to pick a subject that has so little critical support again. I've never had so many books out of the library at once in my life. Here's hoping I get a good grade on it!

I have another assignment due Tuesday (which was originally due today, but we all complained and our tutor moved it back a few days), but it shouldn't be terribly time-consuming, so we should be back to regularly scheduled Supernatural reviews, interspersed with random fanfiction (on which note, please take thirty seconds of your time to help me out with my summer fanfiction project). I intend to post the next Supernatural review sometime this afternoon :)

Finally, in the interests of shiny pictures, I would like to share with you the deeply meaningful response I thought of when my lecturer mentioned the god-like presentation of Captain Jack Harkness in Torchwood this morning:

Hey, I've only had four hours sleep. I reserve the right to be ridiculous. Also, yes, I have a lecturer who is a Doctor Who fan. All is awesome. :D

That's all for now, I must fire off a few emails and head back out to a seminar. Will it never end!?!?!


fandom: supernatural, fandom: torchwood, reaction: boom, real life: university, livejournal, sanity, real life: essay, reaction: yaaywhoot!

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