Blogging and fanfic and essays, oh my!

May 12, 2011 11:52

Haha, I made a Wizard of Oz joke. Hahaha. <---- From this, you can probably tell what level I'm functioning at this morning. Well, first things first. Please read the first bit of this and help me out - I'd really appreciate it.

I'm currently a guest blogger on the website for the National Association of Writers in Education. :D This is fun, and pretty cool, except that there's hardly any activity on the site. This means no feedback from readers. And so, I beg anyone reading this to take five minutes to check out my post, which is linked to from my profile. It's about NaNoWriMo. Comments are appreciated, because I need to write on this for my assignment. Feel free to be anonymous and critical, I don't mind.
I'm currently in the middle of writing one on a poetry event at uni (I have to write on it and can't really be bothered, so it's not going to turn out fantastic) and then I'm writing about fanfiction next week. After that, suggestions for literary things to blog on are more than welcome.

Thanks to the encouragment, enthusiasm and sadism of jakuako , I'm now on chapter eleven of All for All. I hope to have that finished and posted in a couple of days, and then I will have only one more chapter to write before the whole story is finished. *blinks* I started All for All in 2005. That's almost six years ago. Bizarre. I can't believe I'm finally finishing it, it's surreal. Hopefully once it's not a WIP I'll get a few more comments/reviews; only three people have reviewed AfA on LJ, and two of them are now my betas lol. Mind you, I've been posting it on SIYE and getting a fairly respectable response. And I have one comment on Mugglenet. So, progress.

Yuck yuck yuck. Well, okay, it's not that bad. I've got a creative writing piece that I want to write this afternoon - I might not actually finish, but hopefully it'll be done by Saturday and I can hand it in. It's not due until a week tomorrow, but as I have another essay due on that day I want to finish this first. The other essay is okay, the depiction of borders in The Color Purple and The Awakening for my Literature, Space and Place module. And then on the Tuesday after that, my Working with Words thing is due >.<. 4 and a bit thousand on "what I did and what I learned doing it". Yuck. Still, they've given us a decent framework for it, which helps. I'm sensing that this is going to be on a par with my Women and Writing work last year - I got incredibly annoyed without it and got very stressed getting it done, but it was done on time. And hey, I got an A for Women and Writing, so it can't be all that bad. :D
On a more cheerful note, I went to see my tutor this morning about my dissertation. And guess what I'm writing on!? Fanfictionnnnnn! *parties*. Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, actually, because... well, it has to be. But that's cool. I'm thinking I'm going to get several texts as examples - a piece of fanfiction, a piece of real published fiction, a piece of published fanfiction (there's a technical name for that last one but it's gone out of my head) - and compare them. Try and work out what the differences are. I already know I want to include The God Eaters by Jesse Hajicek in it, which is a published novel that for some reason reads like fanfiction, and I want to work out why. Also thinking of buying Stockholm Syndrome which was originally a piece of Mighty Boosh fic, but was so AU that the author changed a few details and could publish without copyright issues.
It is complete coincidence that both of those books contain scenes of explicit gay sex *sniggers*. I read too much slash, it's infected my brain... ah well, should be fun.

Oh my!
We still haven't got internet in our house - it's coming on Tuesday, apparently. I've kind of got used to moving to the library to use my pc, I've been so busy lately that it's actually been kind of fun. Though I am looking forward to having the web properly at my fingertips again.
Sci Fi and Fantasy Soc did their sponsored read of HP and the Philosopher's Stone yesterday XD It was brilliant fun! I was so surprised that everyone enjoyed it that much. Everyone had a set of characters and a chapter or two to narrate, so there was always at least two people carrying the story at any one time (normally more). We originally set up in outside in the Quad, but then it looked like it was going to rain (it didn't in the end) so we moved first into the cafe for a few minutes (too loud) and then into the library. After that bumpy start we just sat downstairs in the library for the rest of the day. I was exhausted afterwards - sitting down and reading aloud sounds like a really chilled out thing to do, but really you're maintaining your concentration for around eight hours without much of a break, so it kind of kills your brain. Everyone got really into it, which was fun, and there were many many filthy jokes and silly voices going on when people got a bit bored. The problem is, now I want to do Deathly Hallows. Which would take several days and be insanely complicated to organise... :D One day, maybe. Hehehehe.

Right, I'd better be off - got to go to a meeting about next term's Shakespeare module, and I'm going to attempt to get to the Foss building from the library via De Grey - technically possible, but I can't remember where half the links are :P This should be fun....

Hope everyone else is having a good May so far...


obsession: books/reading, real life: work, slash, real life: university, help, event: nanowrimo, livejournal, fanfiction, is: procrastination, harry potter, sanity, real life: odd happenings, real life: essay, questions, original fiction

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