Jul 23, 2008 00:47

On Coast To Coast AM 07/22/08 Lon Milo DuQuette was caught cold and showed just what he has been doing for the past few years with regard to the Video and now DVD "Lon DuQuette's Enochian Magick - A Treatise on Angelic Evocation", sales have been affected.

Lon obviously was stunned stupid and since the call was cut off to prevent listeners from hearing fully about what he has done and to further conceal any additional discussion about it. He had a great deal of difficulty in finishing the interview as his voice reflected it quite convincingly as time went on. There is little doubt he will be so angry after the interview he will be up all night fussing and fuming about how he was exposed.

I had to laugh at the reaction by him and wish I could had seen his face turn several shades of red listening and relieving the deceitful practices he engaged in and the fact he knows that the 10 million plus listeners are now aware of it as well.

It is a real pity that the full story was not allowed to be heard by the audience. No amount of downplaying or attempts at trying to dodge the issue were successful. Lon Milo DuQuette was shown to everyone listening and to those who will hear the Broadcast to have committed the acts and now has to live with being exposed. He avoided every single offer to discuss this and forced this upon himself.

He will have to deal with this and it won't easily be swept under the rug, nor will he be able to avoid being questioned on the subject in the future.

Thanks George for allowing me on and the perfectly timed disconnect as it hammered the point done better than either one of them could have imagined.

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