Oh yeah right!

Apr 24, 2007 10:43

(reprinted below)

(Comments from Non Community Members will be Screened)

I received a rather hostile email questioning why there are no OTO leaders speaking out in this forum.... with an accusation that I was personally keeping them out.

I have done no such thing.

The criteria to join the community is that one be an OTO initiate (past or present) and that one indicates the desire to participate in (passively or actively... AND not disrupt) the discussions.

So for the record, I have never knowingly rejected a membership request from an OTO USGL, UK, Australian or IHQ officer.

I have rejected a total of two requests from individuals who otherwise would qualify for community membership. Both of these people seemed not at all interested in intellectually honest discussion and only interested in creating chaos. If someone comes to me and says "Hi ! I'm here to shit all over the place !", I'm not going to let them in.

Otherwise, anyone who takes the time to offer me some proof of their past or current OTO initiate status gets in almost immediately.

(This is actually all rather humorous to me since when I first started OTO_UnModerated, I was accused repeatedly of being a shill for USGL....)

Since I can't post to it, who is the other?

Your not interested in anyone who can discuss the issues, your only interested in preventing people from reading intelligent comments from those of us who do state the facts. Let the readers decide and stop trying to promote only your friends opinions. The members can of the journal are capable of reading and determining who is creating chaos and who isn't.

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