Aug 26, 2006 15:28
now up and available for download.
If you want to hear this I suggest you get them quickly as they won't be there for long.
Please post your thoughts about this.
In Order that your posts be left up you must do the following:
A real name, a valid email and the post must pertain to an issue from that episode.
You may even leave a voice message by calling
(206) 339-6459, it creates an MP3 that can be included in a future episode.
Please understand that we are covering serious issues and not interested in childish pranks by cowards who like to poke fun and then hide from sight. If you are serious enough to leave a message, then you are adult enough to use a real name and an email to contact you should the post require it.
If you fear OTO reprisal for submitting a post, then email it to me and I will address it accordingly. Your anonymity can be protected that way.