Nov 29, 2010 09:20
Ah, I love my little life so much, lol! More doctor visits, going to Boston again soon, this time for a vertigo doc, not expecting much to happen. Useless appts. Gotta get checked for lupus, or possibly some other "connective tissue disorder" or possibly RA, though I doubt that will amount to much either, hate the doc I have to go to, arrogant insufferable prick!
My life is okay, but my family suffers. Mom & Mis, and my bro, have no heat. It blows my mind that I am doing (marginally) better than some of my family. They've always been "ahead" of us, it's nuts. They need to get out of RI, best thing I ever did was to move here. There are a lot of great ppl in RI, but they are surrounded by the rich and corrupt.
Still planning our wedding, tho it gets smaller with each passing month, lol. Fine by me! Gotta work on my invitations list, his mom is planning some sort of shower for me/us. Shopping for dresses happens in March/April. Going on a honeymoon is looking like a no-go. Just can't afford it, and where are we gonna go that isn't sky-high expensive? May be able to cop a few days somewhere, but as to when, I just don't know. Depends on money, and the availability at the time.
Charlie isn't doing well, but is letting me drive her in her car. She's a danger on the road, to herself and everyone else. Her remaining kidney is failing, but she could go tomorrow or in two or three years, no one here knows. She wants another dog, we'll be hitting the shelters soon, next week. She's nuts, but talking her out of this is proving impossible. Love her, but boy is she stubborn.
My WW saga continues. Still losing weight, need to exercise more! Kinda getting used to "the Plan" but I still have soda and chocolate issues, they'll never go away, lol. Was given a coat yesterday, practically brand new, smaller size than usual, and it fits!!! The button over the tummy is tight, but hey, I'm happy!!! Now I wanna try some of the other coats I have, a dressy one and an ultra-casual one. They've been too small, haven't tried them in a while. Need to donate some others I have that are now TOO BIG!!!! :) I didn't gain any weight over Thanksgiving (lost two lbs), thanks to an unknown amount of sour cream in the mashed potatoes... What a curse! Ah, well, tasted good going down, anyway!
The silver in my hair is now visible to everyone when it's down. My pale complexion is getting paler, much like my Aunt B, got the fair Irish skin, and I guess it comes with the territory? Someday I will look like a silvery holiday ornament, lol. Dress me up and sit me on a mantle, lol!
My complaints are minimal, my life is pretty good despite being poor; I'm getting married next year, things are looking up! Need a car, some extra money, and hopefully a new wardrobe sooner or later. It's nice when the bf says things like "you'll need a new wardrobe soon," nice that he notices and doubly nice that he tells me so.
Can't complain!!! Wow!