Kiss My Sass.

Dec 06, 2007 21:46

So, I am here thinking, Oh I'll post something since I haven't posted in SUCH a long time. And now I am here, and I got nothing.


Erm...Well...Thanksgiving was lame. Except for the food. There was drama as usual. And this year sadly I didn't get money to do the dishes. My dad was not drunk enough. Damn him being able to restrain himself.

Not too long after that, it was Hannah, DeShaun and Nathan's moving in party. I felt good being able to give someone something for a change. Seeings how I'm always asking people for shit. That dinning room table that used to sit ocuardly in my "dinning room" now sits perfectly in there's. Not sure why, maybe because there was people there I didn't want to see or people there I didn't know, but I felt safest up on top of the stairs. With Cheyenne for most of it. I sat with Korey for a while, until he got distracted by a girl. That playboy. Then Mikey joined me and Cheyenne after a talk that was very much needed. The beauty of Me and Cheyenne's relationship is we can be serious, then Chey will trip over something and we can go on like we weren't talking about deep feelings like...A best friend's heart being torn apart because HE is still in love with his ex. BUT anyways. Me, Chey, and Mikey hung out at the top of the stairs for a long while. That is until Chey wanted to lie down somewhere that wasn't an ex-lover's bed. SO, we all moved down to the basement. Chey fell asleep and Mikey and I talked. Nothing too serious. Just talked. Finally just talked with the feller. And with that talk I realized, what did I realize? I think it was actually more of a refirming of the fact that kid is smooth. I don't know. Don't blame me. I'm tired now and was then. We had to wake up Chey to take me home. But I guess a part of me wished that she wouldn't wake up so Mikey would talk me home. Meh. Maybe I was scared of what would arise when we woke her up. Because we all know she can be satan when awoken.  Maybe I was just sick girl talk that I figured would happen if I hopped into a car alone with Chey. Maybe I was just tired and was in a hurry to go home because I knew that Chey would round up Korey and Justin and that would take forever. And it did. I called it. Mainly because Korey wanted that girl he was drooling over to come home with them. Whatever. Fine by me. He's 22. He can deal with his own shit. And I don't have to live with him. So, do what you like Korey! But who fucking knows. I know I don't. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't pay enough attention to my life to notice what I do or feel. And I'm starting to think that is a bad thing.

Since then it's just been coasting. And in a way I want this year to end and in another way I don't want it do cause I still don't know what I am going to do. Camille is going to go off to a college I could NEVER get into and there is no way in I will have the money to move up there. Just so we know someone. She just has to want to go to school in an expense college town, huh?

I will still have Chey, Hannah, Mikey, Nathan, AND YES even DeShaun. No matter how much I tune you out, I still care about what you've got to say. Granted it takes you a haft an hour to get to that point, but alas, I am usually will to wait out the ride and meet you at the end when you make your point. Unless it's in the morning and I haven't had a cig or coffee/another form of caffine. And that hasn't happened yet. And honestly, I'm not too worried out it.

But I guess that's the jist of what is going on. Not going to bother with spell check either. Sorry. I'm lazy and my back hurts. And I know I just kinda ended this. I started this cause I was down, but now kinda feeling up.

(Compliments always make one feel better. They were compliments to me anyways.)
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