Oct 04, 2007 15:26
"I've come to decide that there are two kinds of people: those who can talk and those who can write. Actually, there are three types of people if you want to count those who can do both, but no one likes to think about them because they're amazing people and there can only be so high a standard in the average person's world, like my own. Taylor Carroll, a friend of mine that you might know or have heard of, is one of those people with skills coming down both ends of the hot barrel. They're all bastards, really (Oh, and at least coming from me, in all of its raw and unpremeditated glory, "bastard" is a term of endearment).
Assuming that there are only these two kinds of people, it makes sense that I'm a social retard, you see. Not only do I assume there are only two kinds of people worth considering for the sole purpose of making my point (an obvious clue in itself as to how much time I spend getting to know people), but being the latter of my two aforementioned imaginary types of people, I wouldn't be able to make this same point if I were talking to you, face-to-face. Sometimes, around certain people that "complement" me in ways I have yet to understand, I'll be at perfect ease in conversation. You and I ought to have more conversations ourselves so that we can speed up the process that usually takes me more time than the average talker.
Anyway, I might as well thank you for the compliments, apologize for calling you a treacherous bastard (or was it treasonous?) that I actually meant in a delightful way, and makes plans with you for more free pizza, I mean, more interesting things to talk about."---Camille Smith
I only have one question. I have to do it this way because for some strange reason I can not post comments.
The question: What kinda person am I, Cammi?