zomg, I am addicted to learning all the different terms for "God" that
http://www.aslpro.com/cgi-bin/aslpro/aslpro.cgi gives
Over lunch, Concord and Thoreau and etc. somehow came up. Nicki was so excited. We snarked about, "How many people sit out at Walden holding a copy of the book?," and I didn't have a chance to say that I would want to sit there reading a book with a title like "Capitalism and Industry is AWESOME."
Eric got the complete Capote for Christmas and read Breakfast at Tiffany's like last week. He says I can borrow it, which is yay 'cause I've been wanting to read it ever since I saw the movie (at Smith, can't find the entry -- if I did write one up at all) and then learned it was based on a Capote novella and had a lot of changes, the ending particularly.
slytherincess quotes a Denver Post editorial:There have been attempts to change the path of gay pride. In 1984, I was director of the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Colorado. My staff and I asked the question "What is our intended message?" It was a time when the gay community was being decimated by the growing number of AIDS deaths. We suggested a mourners march, complete with black clothes, a single drummer, a bagpiper, something to show the city we were hurting, grieving, dying daily. Community organizers and businesspeople rejected the idea. "What fun would that be? Besides, what would the drag queens wear?"
So today, we have a sexy party instead of a political statement. Yet, the sexual concerns of the early gay movement have been met. What is lost in all the glitter, feathers and leather harnesses of PrideFest is the power to move the public to better understand gay men and women. The sexual revolution is over, yet PrideFest lingers in that adolescent sexual environment of the '70s and '80s. Frankly, those sexual displays at PrideFest tend to do more damage than good.
She uses this as a way in to the discussion about whether writing non-het porn is a political action, and there are interesting and thoughtful comments on both sides (plus of course comments pointing out that it doesn't have to be an either/or) and while I've only had the opportunity to skim, I'm definitely looking forward to reading more thoroughly (the very first comment problematizes Judith Butler, for example)
And then I read about
Russia, for example (link from my dad), and I read interesting discussion about the pros and cons of marriage being The gay&lesbian issue (
this post, which blog I found because Maria linked to it for
his post on The Starter Wife -- which I had seen lots of ads for; in a different vein:
TBQ is pimping Army Wives).
Ann Althouse posted about
Barack Obama's speech at the UCC, and I found the comment discussion on faith and politics, but I miss the threading of LJ. (People comment saying they're replying to someone specifically, but if I actually wanna look at that person's comment I have to scroll up -- or do Find Previous, whatever, it's a pain.)
In a
post which tracks back to that one, someone (Gary Aknos) comments:From the Americans United for the Separation of Church and State perspective, a political speaker at a religious event has one of two distinct roles: Either they are 1) speaking as a candidate for office or 2) speaking as a non-candidate. If Obama was speaking as a non-candidate (since he was supposedly invited over a year ago before he declared) then his reference to campaign pledges if elected to office clearly violates AU’s standard for separation. If he was speaking as a candidate, AU’s standards call for equal access by the other candidates for the same office… which didn’t appear to happen. In either case, his speeches before the Iowa Conference and the General Synod were a violation of separation by AU’s own standards.
The Metro this morning had an
interview with the guy who did Boing Boing.Do you miss the old zine world, and has blogging destroyed it?
I think it has destroyed it. There are a few people who do zines now, but not many. There used to be a zine called Factsheet 5. It was huge, 200 pages every quarter. I would go through it with a highlighter and sign up for dozens of zines to be sen to me. It was so much fun. I do really miss that, because the tools for publishing online are pretty rock solid, but the tools for designing beautiful things aren't there. That beautiful, handmade look of a print zine is something that's intrinsically linked to that medium. We lost something in the process of transitioning over to blogs, but we gained something, too.
Interesting particularly given I was
just saying that I miss zining. This interview makes me sad that I'm no longer spending time in that community in any way, so I have no idea whether his sense of the scene may be an accurate one. Sharon, does
whtegrlwthehair still mod the zinesters list?
My mom e-mailed me (and my dad, natch) the ABC News link with Subject line "OMG"
I saw the Subject line and thought, "Who died now?" 'cause while we haven't had a rash of funerals in a while, it's frequently the impetus for an e-mail from her. (Which implies that we don't talk except when necessary, which is quite untrue.)
I thought of Benoit as one of the decent guys -- though really I think that outside of the ring, most of them are -- so I was surprised to read something in one of the articles about past charges of domestic abuse, and of course my first thought re: the whole thing was steroids (though double-checking, the Internet suggests that the common conception that anabolic steroid usage increases aggression is actually fairly groundless --
"It has previously been theorized that studies showing a correlation between angry behavior and steroid use are confounded by the fact that a high percentage of steroid users demonstrate cluster B personality disorders prior to administering steroids.").
My dad replied to my mom's e-mail:Wow. I saw something when I was getting weather this morning that said they all had been found dead, and that Monday night's WWE tv show had been cancelled (airing instead: a tribute to Chris Benoit, a mark of respect or a way to cash in on his death? I suppose given the WWE, what's the difference?). This morning, there was nothing about cause of death. So, wow.
And from the
Edmonton Sun (via
anonymous_sibyl on friendsfriends):"[Benoit] was like a family member to me, and everyone in my family is taking it real hard," Bret Hart, a five-time champion with the now-defunct World Wrestling Federation, said. "It's almost like reliving the whole Owen (Hart) death over again."
[link from my dad] I don't even know how
this crazy shit manages to evolve, so clearly the answer is that God has a twisted sense of humor. (I want my tag for this to reference the "Mother Nature is a bad mother"
quip, but the character limit means I ended up with "mother nature has a sick sense of humor." Anyone have suggestions for a wittier phrasing?)
Your food news for the day:
sushi and
chocolate (er, not actually together).
So, TODAY I get an e-mail from the Extension School [
nearly a week ago I found out the Fall catalog was up] saying:The 2007-08 Harvard Extension School course schedule is now available at www.extension.harvard.edu.
Look for our many interesting and timely new courses including:
CSCI E-6 Internet Crime (
http://www.extension.harvard.edu/2007-08/courses/csci.jsp) that examines the major controversies affecting today's Internet. Co-taught by Simson L. Garfinkel, PhD, of Harvard and Nenette L. Day, MS, of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
You can now study for a Master of Liberal Arts in Information Technology with a concentration in Digital Media Arts and Sciences. (
The Internet crime course conflicts with CAUMC, and the Information Technology program is really not my cuppa.
I started in the weight room, did 2 leg machines and 1 arm machine and decided I was done. (Yeah, my legs have always been significantly stronger than my arms.)
I did my usual half-hour elliptical interval program. I didn't feel like I was pushing especially hard, but I did <12min/mile for 30 minutes, so yay.
Cailin got a free trial membership to Healthworks in Porter Sq. (which has better summer hours than HBS does) and she is so excited about Urban Rebounding class (aerobics on trampolines).
I was quite pleased about this, especially since I live on the second floor sans air-conditioning. Recent summers have indicated that I've become acclimated, but my default assumption is that hot&humid will make me want to die.
All winter people act like I'm a freak for enjoying the cold and are looking forward to summer, and then it hits 90 and the news is all about how horrendous this is. I was out a few times today and this is not deathly weather people (ObDisclaimer about how yes I am aware of the dangers of heatstroke etc. especially for the elderly etc. and how much it would suck to be working outdoors like construction workers -- HBS moved the summer outdoor grill inside today).