CHPC: Second Sunday of Easter (Doubting Thomas) [2007-04-15]

Apr 15, 2007 23:54

Service is at 10:30. Today I arrived at 10:29, which is I think the latest I ever have, and I wasn't sure there was anyone in the sanctuary save the choir and Karl.

Karl had a white stole with patches of patterns (blue, purple, red, green, yellow).

I think the Prelude included "Christ The Lord is Risen Today," but I was unimpressed by the hymns -- "The Day of Resurrection," "We Live by Faith and Not by Sight," "Thine Is the Glory." This last one, besides having a very awkward melody, had "Refrain (last time only)," but apparently I go to church with a bunch of illiterates.

Prefacing the Silent Prayer, Karl talked about things you did or not not do that hurt other people and/or the world, and I honestly can't remember if that's how it's normally talked about, but today at least I was struck by it, because when I'm thinking about Prayer of Confession I'm definitely mostly thinking about stuff that has only hurt God and myself.

Scripture: John 20:19-31
Sermon: "Faith Found"
Karl said, "Thomas was present when the risen Jesus came to seek him out."
He also mentioned that Thomas says not that he "could not" believe until he saw/touched but that he "would not," which I thought was interesting, though I didn't really know what to do with it.
Much of the middle part of the sermon didn't really grab me, but at the end he returned to that idea I really liked at the beginning and said that we should: live as if we have faith. I thought of "fake it until you make it" (and Trelawney often quotes Wesley: "preach it until you believe it").

In his Benediction, Karl said something about it being a gloomy day, and I felt somewhat petulantly, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

A guy said to Gusti after the receiving line, that he can always tell when finals are coming up by the Doubting Thomas sermon. Ah the liturgical calendar :)

At coffee hour, Katherine said she's teaching percents to her basic math students. Their syllabus gives the breakdown of how their final grade will be determined: 60% tests&quizzes, 20% homework, 20% final exam. She gave them an example: You have an 80 average on tests and quizzes, but only a 20 or a 25 on homework 'cause you've been slacking, and you coast and get a 70 on the final... what's your final grade? They guessed C+; in fact it's a D. She had a line at her desk after class: "What homework do I owe you?" Hee.

church: somerville: clarendon hill presb

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