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Crack theatre_pixie April 26 2006, 04:36:52 UTC
You said "And now I want a fanfic of that sex" and my head went Hey! You could do that, you crazy pastor's kid, you! So, um, yeah, we'll see what I can do with that challenge (I'm currently residing in a recliner. What else have I got to do?).

I have to admit to having an initial "He's so totally *on*" reaction to House's "holes" rant, but as I don't think I caught the speech in its entirety (we have a 6 month old living here after all), I don't have a lot to discuss. Perhaps I shall seek out a transcript later.

Chase's seminary experience tends to come out when the show discusses faith and God. We learned that he'd been to seminary while House was treating a nun with bizarre symptoms. Chase spent a good deal of time talking to the patient while House preferred talking to the other sisters.

Wilson has been putting House on the right track as far as diagnoses go for the past few episodes (at least, the last few I've seen). One of which was a poker reference that struck a chord in House's head.
Totally teh suxors with Wilson and Grace (sheesh. Can we get *any* closer to "Will and Grace"?), but the line at the end about believing in things but being unable to live up to them *did* almost make up for it.
Yay for House caring about his friendship with Wilson. Too much longer and we'd have thought the man was mechanical.
And the humility speech was excellent. So much love for Wilson's people skills.

Was anybody else hoping--even just a little bit--that the kid was the real deal? Even if only to be something that House couldn't explain? *shrugs* Just a little tired of every miracle having to be a hoax--or at least having to be performed by some sort of con man. The kid might actually have been healing folks, I guess, but our cancer patient wasn't one of them which leads us to assume that this kid's been conning people for up to five years. That sucks.


Re: Crack hermionesviolin April 26 2006, 14:15:05 UTC
Rock on! No pressure, of course, but I would love to see what you come up with.

When Grace's tumor shrank I thought, "Coincidence, psychosomatic, whatever; it's not cause for investigation, just let it go" -- though I do understand House's concern that if the kid found out he would retract his okay for the brain surgery. By that time I had forgotten about the kid's supposed history of faith healing (since the focus in House's talk about him was his ability to read people and thus *sound* like he got messages from God), but you make a very good point. I was unimpressed by the dramatic example in the opening scene because it wasn't like she was in a wheelchair and then walking -- she was just taking tentative steps without her walker. I don't think the kid was intentionally conning people, but I suspect there was a lot of psyosomatic, coincidence, etc. (And as House points out, it's not like he does follow-up studies. And they travel. And if people who have been faith healed relapse, they're likely to blame it on their own lack of faith rather than want to believe they've been conned.) As I said in my entry on Sunday's Crossing Jordan episode, secular tv never commits to mysticism -- the closest it comes is ambiguity in X-Files.


Re: Crack theatre_pixie April 26 2006, 19:56:57 UTC
Thanks. At the moment I'm sorting through the "I have a dozen different ideas about how this could go. Which do I choose?" It's usually one of the steps that stymies me for a little while, so I'm hoping that a particular direction strikes my fancy in a relatively short period of time.

Yeah, the dramatic example of healing was pretty pathetic. Now, if the woman had begun to jump or dance, that would have been dramatic. Of course, we can't have it be *too* dramatic, because--of course--this kid's a hoax. *eye roll*

I'm bored to death with the aversion to mysticism in American society. Steve Martin was a faith healer (read: con man) in a recent film--then hurried out of town when a true miracle occurred. The Jordan one didn't bother me as much because the woman herself insisted that she hadn't brought that guy back to life. I respect honesty, particularly when it isn't the most popular opinion. House is so... he's a control freak. And Wilson was right, House *is* scared to live in a world where there aren't rules he can learn and then exploit. Most people are.
*shakes her head* It's just so popular a theme right now that I'm really tired of it. Miracles do happen. The choice is in whether or not we want to/actually do see it.


Re: Crack hermionesviolin April 27 2006, 14:03:18 UTC
Wilson was right, House *is* scared to live in a world where there aren't rules he can learn and then exploit. Most people are.

I think that's part of why tv shows don't let mystical things be true in their shows. People want things they can explain -- and I suspect that's a large part of the appeal of procedural dramas. Shows like Ghost Whisperer and Touched by an Angel and even The X-Files can get away with it because people can compartmentalize it. In shows like House, the whole premise is very much grounded in the rational/scientific world, so people are going to be upset by what they see as the scientific world saying this stuff really does happen. Plus of course there's the issue of the fact that any mystical/miraculous occurrence is going to be contextualized, so people are going to get upset at one belief system being privileged -- Christianity, the occult, whatever -- whereas if science doesn't say "Yes, this thing happened by powers we cannot comprehend" then they can maintain their comfortable boundary of religious/spiritual beliefs being a private thing. I think the House episode had room for more "Sometimes remissions just happen, and we can't explain it; call it faith, call it psychosomatic, call it science we haven't mastered yet, but we don't have all the answers" than it actually utilized, but I do understand their hesitancy to appear to say there are Higher Powers etc. Of course, that then begs the question of why bother doing episodes dealing with apparently mystical stuff anyway since everyone knows it's not gonna turn out to be real and the show is thus kind of going out of its way to marginalize belief and privilege science/rationalism.


Re: Crack theatre_pixie April 27 2006, 03:26:07 UTC
I am SOOO channeling you right now as far as your crack is concerned. I hope it's up to snuff (if I finish, it'll be my first complete fic).

Off to write more and research while my muse is still smiling.


Re: Crack hermionesviolin April 27 2006, 14:04:19 UTC
Oh I'm so excited!

*thinks good thoughts for you*


Re: Crack theatre_pixie April 27 2006, 15:08:43 UTC
Oh I'm so excited!

*laughs* Me too.


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