[Tuesday (P+6)]

Jul 15, 2012 22:46

I biked to the gym, and as I headed toward Western Ave. (I was not interested in merging into the Anderson Bridge from that direction) I realized I could just go to the Esplanade and back like I often do, since I have the time.

I rode out of Harvard Square (coming home) on Mass Ave, knew what I was doing, and didn't feel scared \o/

After Brave, Jeff B. and I had planned to go to dinner at Kathmandu Spice (we'd agreed that Ristorante Olivio was a bit too expensive), but apparently it is closed on Tuesdays, so we went to Thailand Cafe across the street, which had been my 3rd choice but which was better than I'd expected. It's a small place, not v. fancy at all, but I had tasty tofu massaman curry and we shared tasty scallion pancakes.


"Joy Sadhana is a daily practice in the observation of joy."
-mylittleredgirl [ more info]
Thus says God to these bones: "I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. I will lay sinews on you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am God." (Ezekiel 37:5-6, NRSV, alt.)

Good things about today:
  • I got up about quarter to seven (from a ~bad dream) and felt fairly awake, despite having only gotten <7 hours of sleep
  • I stayed up late emailing with Samuel -- which I think was good conversation to have.
Things I did well today:
  • restocked on pasta -- and bought apples and sundried tomatoes while I was there
  • RSVPed for Keshet event (Asher sent a new, corrected RSVP link)
  • donated to @SpectraSpeaks' IndieGoGo SpectraSpeaks Kickstarter rejected w/ no reason. After appeal it was approved, but I was annoyed. Used IndieGoGo instead.

    SpectraSpeaks After BS abt funding only "creative" projects that "produce" something. Sell outs. #PennyArcade

    Spectra Speaks If everyone pissed off w/ #Kickstarter #PennyArcade gave to "Social Media & Storytelling 4 LGBT Africans" project... bit.ly/MinEAq
  • laundry (I realized I had possibly gotten chocolate on a SECOND pair of jeans...)
  • finally finished my reply to okc person
Things I am looking forward to (doing [better]) tomorrow:
["anything that you're looking forward to, that means you're facing tomorrow with joy, not trepidation," as Ari says]

gymming it up, philanthropic, food: boston area, joy sadhana

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