[Friday (P+3)]

Jun 30, 2012 21:54

This morning was the first time riding my bike that I'd wanted to be able to drink water on the way. Oh, summer.

Getting ready this morning I was like, "What am I forgetting? Oh, right, an outfit for today." I picked a purple short-sleeved shirt and just picked up the "purple" tights I wore yesterday. Now that I'm actually wearing the outfit I think should have worn my gray tights (even though there's something wrong with the waistband on them or something).

On the the way home, I biked through patches of cooler air -- which I think we legit patches of cool air, not just escaped AC, since the first experience was coming over the River. Yay, impending cooler weather.


"Joy Sadhana is a daily practice in the observation of joy."
-mylittleredgirl [ more info]
Thus says God to these bones: "I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. I will lay sinews on you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am God." (Ezekiel 37:5-6, NRSV, alt.)

Good things about today:
  • So, since I got free lunch on Wednesday (and learned there was stir-fry this week), I meant to take my lunch home that evening to have for dinner. Except I forget until I was on the Bridge and I wasn't interested in navigating back in the heat and the construction, so I figured I'd just leave it and take it home tonight (I knew I was gonna be out for a while Thursday evening, so I didn't wanna be carrying it around in my backpack all evening).
    Well, I walked over to the rotating station this afternoon, and it was Taqueria. Which would have been fine except it was only tacos, and while I could have tried to be like, "Can I get a soft shell with black beans &c.?" I decided I would just walk back and get my old lunch from the fridge.

  • remember how I emailed Scott a bunch of stuff 9 days ago? I got a bunch of responses this afternoon, culminating withSubject: ps

    Sorry for the delay in reply - I was in Israel, with limited Internet access. But I totally adored a bunch of stuff on your behalf :-).
Things I did well today:
  • killed a daddy long-legs (on the shower wall)
  • finished my 21.5 page catharsis letter
  • emailed FCS-Ian and Megan K.M. to request a direct deposit form for my Capital Campaign pledge
  • I tweaked some of my GR shelves and am SO much happier with how they fall out now \o/

    [I used to have "religion-christianity-{stuff}" as well as "religion-christianity-{denomination}" and I edited all the {stuff} ones to be "rel-christianity-{stuff}" since I already had "rel-{stuff}" tags ... oh, GR, how I wish your tags could be longer -- I also rembered that I had a "rel-bible" tag and so now I have "rel-bible-paul" and "rel-bible-revelation"; I acquired a bunch of recommendations from Marcus Borg's book.]

  • restocked on bagels, yogurt, pasta, and milk
  • picked up my ILL copy of Out of the Garden: Women Writers on the Bible
  • dishes
  • laundry
Things I am looking forward to (doing [better]) tomorrow:
["anything that you're looking forward to, that means you're facing tomorrow with joy, not trepidation," as Ari says]
  • ~sleeping in
  • bff phonecall
  • Jamie's baptism in Walden Pond

weather: summer, goodreads, bodies in motion: bicycle, cataloguer at heart, food: hbs, people: h: scott k., still not a femme, joy sadhana

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