"Joy Sadhana is a daily practice in the observation of joy."
mylittleredgirl [
more info]
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light. And they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. (Isaiah 9:2, Handel's Messiah)
Good things about today:
- retreat
- Houseguest washed my dishes while I was away.
- Brief game of A2A:BE with Housemate and her houseguest.
I won: Old (Sarah -- Jacob and Joseph were the other 2 cards played ... Jacob being the one picked randomly [as there were only 3 of us playing]), Worthless (To Blaspheme), Cuddly (A Baby)
Things I did well today:
- I helped clean up after retreat (it's the one non-optional part of retreat, but I usually end up not doing much on account of everything getting done while I'm packing up my stuff or whatever).
- I showed "Shit White Feminists Say" to Housemate and her houseguest.
- I did laundry after I got home.
Things I am looking forward to (doing [better]) tomorrow:
["anything that you're looking forward to, that means you're facing tomorrow with joy, not trepidation," as Ari says]
- church
- I have intentions of watching the Super Bowl halftime show.