The gym at HBS is having a Fit for All (Body-Mind-Spirit) Open House this week, and one of the complimentary classes is
Intro Belly Dancing. I've thought before about taking belly dancing classes [
locked entry, linked for my reference], so the opportunity to try it out for free, at the most convenient location possible for me...
Having taken the class, my verdict is that I think I might like belly dancing -- but not necessarily with that instructor [
Johara]. I didn't get to really grasp what it was I was doing before we sped it up or added more pieces or whatever. I also would have appreciated her explicitly demonstrating each piece solo before doing it with us, because watching her while trying to do it myself and having both of those learning experiences be brand-new really slowed down my learning curve. I mostly wasn't fussed about looking ridiculous, but I did have a lot of moments of, "I have no idea what the f*ck I'm [supposed to be] doing."