Yes, church really is what I do with my free time.

Apr 12, 2010 11:30

Have I mentioned that I was maybe not going to overcommit myself? Probably not explicitly, though I think it was implied when I said I was considering not picking up a new Sunday morning church -- taking sabbath time instead. My idea was that there are things I really care about, and I should devote my time and energy there, growing myself and others, rather than taking on everything that comes in front of me just because I "can."

Well, at CWM last night we didn't have the Scripture printed in the bulletin, and Kim volunteered to read but we couldn't find any inclusive language Bibles in the office (likely they all belonged to Tiffany) so Marla handwrote out John 20:19-31, except she was still in the office, so I took it upon myself to just grab the Bible that happened to be in the room (which was not the NRSV) and inclusified on the fly. Marla came in just after I'd started, so I felt bad, but when I apologized to her later she assured me it was fine. So later I asked her if CWM wanted an inclusive language Bible to live in the office. She griped about the one we used to use and I remembered oh yeah, while the one I have is supoptimal, it's better than the one Tiffany had. She said she'd been so dissatisfied with the one Tiffany had that she had never thought to research further, so could I? Yeah, yeah I think I can :)

We had an impromptu Church Council meeting, and one of the items was a committee for the new-location-for-CWM search. Sean asked people to get in touch with him by Wednesday if they wanted to be on the committee (said he would be sending an email out -- since obv. not everyone was at Council that night). I was totally gonna email him saying, "I'm tentatively interested in being on the committee, because I'm trying to not overcommit myself but I already know that I have strong feelings/opinions on what I understand to be our two primary choices here in Davis Square." Later in the meeting, Nizzi asked for a show of hands of people who are interested in being on the committee, and so of course I raised my hand.

Nizzi wants me to preach before she leaves. The first Sunday she proposed was May 16 -- when I'll be coming back from Smith Reunion/Commencement. So last night she proposed April 25. re/New (topic: Change and Transition) is that night, and I'd like to be as not-late as possible to that one (it starts at 7pm, at which time we're having dinner), but I think it'll be okay. (When Science Meets Religion "Eggheads" group is also that afternoon.)

Looking at the lectionary, Easter 4C is Christ as Shepherd/Lamb/Shepherd (Psalm 23, Revelation 7:9-17, John 10:22-30) and one of the apostles raising a woman from the dead (Acts 9:36-43). I am not sure I have anything to say on that. But I would write the sermon eventually, because I'm committed to getting through an entire 3-year lectionary cycle, and I'm trying to get back in the habit of writing the week's sermon by the actual Sunday (I finished an approximation of a draft for Easter 2C yesterday, and would like to finish it today).

This morning, cadenzamuse asked how I was, and I filled her in on all of the above, and said, "... Well, try not to commit to any more church stuff TODAY."

Oh, and I'd like to actually put together an Esther and Acts lectionary for FCS morning prayer (since doing it each week the night before is suboptimal).


~Relatedly, everyone should read "Jesus is my Girlfriend" (my best friend on why she uses female pronouns for Jesus).

church: somerville: cambridge welcoming, son of a preacher man, people: church: marla

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