I met Ari at South Station ~9:49am. We went to ANTS, to see someone she knows from her time there. On our way through campus (a little before 11am), we passed signs for "
Congregation Or Ysrael," and Ari said, "If we'd gotten here earlier, we could have worshiped with them."
We spent ~3 hours with the woman she knows. About an hour into the conversation, Ari left to go the bathroom and the woman asked me about myself. I did my spiel about HBS and then started talking about how church is what I with my free time, I've taken to writing weekly sermons, etc. "So you're resisting your call to ministry," she said. I said I didn't think so but that other people who had known me for longer than an hour would agree with her.
I also have an open invitation to Art Night (Thursday nights from 7-10pm at ANTS).
Early on, Ari had joked about how we used to try to not talk the night before a visit so we would have enough to talk about. But the fact that we talk every single day does mean that we sometimes find ourselves at a bit of a loss for things to talk about, we were reminded this weekend.
Ari hadn't gotten to have Christmas morning service at her home church because of the blizzard warnings, so on our way home we stopped at the communion convenience store (Ari misheard me when we were leaving the T, and then Tallessyn had the same mishearing when I was talking on Sunday night) and picked up some flatbread and grape juice. We stopped at First Church Somerville hoping to use the chapel, but it was in use, so we did the service in my dining room instead :) I possibly need a tag for the fact that we are people who do that.
Afterward, we looked up the
Christmas 1 lectionary (Jesus: like Samuel in a way) and I made educated guesses as to which texts my Sunday pastors would preach on.
My housemate's friend
browngirl came over, and we had conversations about hymns etc. :) (She owns 8 5 hymnals; Ari owns 4.)
Ari said SCBC Adult Ed wasn't as scary as she had expected. I felt bad that she had expected it to be scary :/
We talked about holiness (third week of an Advent series). I'd given Ari the prep reading the night before and we'd facepalmed at the bit about Mary's virginity, but we mostly didn't talk about that section at all in class (which didn't especially surprise me).
At CHPC, the text was the angels and the shepherds (Luke 2:1-20). Karl began his sermon with "Christmas is over." I said no, there are 12 days (because Ari has turned me into That Girl). He said, "No, Christmas is over." I shut up, expecting there to be some punchline I was pre-empting (as sometimes happens with Tiffany) but no. We are packing up all the Christmas stuff, but we should take some time to reflect on generosity. The consumerism machine isn't necessarily bad.
Borg and Crossan talk about the anti-imperialist alternative way to peace, but this just isn't a satisfying message for Karl. Yeah, I was unimpressed. A lot of the stuff he was saying wasn't inherently bad, but I wanted at least caveats or whatever.
On our way to evening church, as we passed a Christmas tree on the curb, I pointed and said, "Christmas is over."
CWM was a service of Lessons and Carols (complete with rewritten-by-Tallessyn words). Tiffany wasn't there, and no one had a key to the office, but there were only 9 of us, so we made do. Including Tallessyn finding a drop cloth to put over the altar (and cover with poinsettias) so we would be liturgically appropriate (the altar still had the purple paraments from Advent). Children's Time was
Who Is Coming to Our House? -- read aloud by Leyalyn (soon to be age 5) and explained by Telynia (soon to be age 8).
"Good Christian Friends, Rejoice" should possibly be the subtitle for BFFcon 2009. I'm not sure I'd ever sung it before, but it's one of the songs we sang at all 3 services this weekend. And we both had it stuck in our heads Sunday night/Monday morning.
One of our friends has come to identify as Presbyterian. Ari commented to her: "Who would have guessed during our senior year that five years later, I'd be a Lutheran, you'd be a Presbyterian, and Elizabeth would be (not) a Methodist?" I looked up
PCA vs.
PCUSA, which led to Ari looking up
Missouri Synod (and us looking up lots of their prooftexts). Which led to us spending lots of time with the
Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.
Talking about church/theology/etc. = where Ari and I totally hit our "us" groove. Raise your hand if you're surprised.
My housemate thinks we shouldn't become nuns.
Also: Fandom is a way of life.
Ari's train left at 8:15am. We hugged goodbye (I think every time we hugged this weekend it was of the "never want to let you go" variety) and then I gave her a hug from my mom and then she gave me a hug from her girlfriend.
So we spent ~46 consecutive hours together (~15 in bed).
And Sam-cat made himself at home in her lap, so I have to start weaning him off of my room again (it's fine for him to rest on my bed ... except for when I want to be in my bed).
We both sort of kept up with our Internets over the weekend, but I still feel really disconnected. I did go back through my flist/
Inbox today and
bookmark all the Yuletide recs I was likely to read.
Throughout the day on Monday I crisscrossed the city, so today is a quieter day. Though given that I got ~11hrs of sleep last night, possibly it is not the best choice that I'm not leaving the house until my 5:30pm haircut. I washed dishes but have not, for example, worked on my sermon any.