The readings at morning prayer this morning were
Micah 4:6-8Luke 2:1-14 FCS-Ian commented that he's struck by how short a story it is that we stretch into movies and all.
Ellie said we haven't heard about the 3 kings. I said that's in
Matthew. (Hi, I just recently read
Borg and Crossan's The First Christmas.) At the same time, Billy said: "Society always comes late." I really liked that -- and linked it to the Micah passage, about making those who were cast off into a strong nation.
Ian commented on how reading the Old Testament passages reminds him that while we wait 4 weeks for Christmas, people had been waiting for millennia. (We pointed out that the Jews are still waiting.)
After service, Ellie thanked Ian (and us) for this Advent service -- as she doesn't think they'll make it tomorrow.
Thursday morning prayer starts back up again next week.
We talked about how doing daily morning prayer helps Christmas/Easter feel more special, because you've been preparing.
Ellie said Easter's early this year, that Ash Wednesday is like the first or second week of February.
I commented that Tiffany's last Sunday is February 14 and wouldn't it be appropriate if we began Lent right after.
Checking, I found that Google Calendar's "Christian Holidays" have: St. Valentine's Day (and US Holiday: Valentine's Day), Mardi Gras, Annunciation (March 25), Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter (also a US Holiday) ... but no Ash Wednesday (or Maundy Thursday -- which falls on US Holiday: April Fool's Day). [I'm pleased that Passover runs through Holy Week -- Tuesday through Tuesday.]
I have now put FCS morning prayer on my Google calendar for the entirety of 2010.
And Molly's having Diesel office hours next Wednesday, so I can go ('cause I'm on vacation).
***Dear Beloved Church,
Tonight at Rest and Bread, we celebrate love. Tonight we cast out fear so that love may enter our cosmos. Our service of prayer and communion begins at 6:30. Music for meditation at 6:15.
After, we'll decorate the sanctuary, to prepare a place for love.
We'll be glad to see you.
Laura Ruth
Keith's away, so Laura Ruth emailed me asking if I would help, which, of course. Before service she thanked me for being so dependable, and having an open heart. I said it's largely that I'm a control freak and I know that if I do it then it'll get done right -- "but I'll accept your more charitable interpretation O:-) "
We sang "Away in a Manger," and when Laura Ruth told me that before service, I said that I don't like that hymn but that if that's what she wanted to sing I would sing it. She thanked me.
The Sacred Text was Luke 2:1-7.
Afterward, I ate lots of the leftover Communion and stayed and helped set up the sanctuary for Christmas Eve service.