my facebook status: "is trying to be a better Ally."

Nov 17, 2009 21:45

I didn't go to the Harvard Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer Women's Lunch today -- both because I am antisocial and because I am overly committed to my job (I have a wicked "Just in case").


Yesterday afternoon, Jeff emailed the Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance book group:Hey everyone!

Greetings after such a long break! I think we've been apart for too long, and even though the trans day of remembrance vigil is friday, let's get together for our next installment of zen.  Let's read at least the next two chapters and go from there. See ya then!


Sent from my iPhone
Yeah, I winced.  It took until tonight for me to email him back.  I read (okay, mostly skimmed) a bunch of stuff today (see list below) about representation etc., and while I was on the phone with Ari I was thinking about what a position of privilege I'm in that I could even be debating whether to say anything.sage_theory: This is why I don't watch Heroes anymore...
seeksadventure: [links] feminists and disabilities links
fox1013: If you're on Heroes, I GUARANTEE your Christmases will be white! Also male. JSYK.
In talking with Ari tonight, I realized that CWM hadn't announced anything about the TDoR vigil this Friday or any of the related events this week.  I suspect this is because Tiffany was still recovering from being sick and also had a memorial service that same day and Marla and Sean were at Boston Common in case any students got arrested* and Jordan wasn't there and yeah.  I still think it is a bit o' fail for us, though.  Christ the King Sunday is next Sunday and now I am thinking about trying to combine the two in my sermon.  (Full disclosure: I haven't looked at the lectionary readings yet.)

*College students are sleeping out to protest their dorms being powered by dirty electricity, and in Boston they're sleeping on Boston Common on Sunday nights and lobbying legislators Monday morning, and summons were handed out the previous Sunday.

issues: representation, tv: glee, issues: accessibility, issues: trans, tv: heroes, issues: race, links

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