
Mar 11, 2009 22:23

Last night (after I got over having a short-by-my-standards coffee) I was excited that I was gonna be able to do stuff at home in the evening and wouldn't be out late prompting sleep deprivation ... and then I putzed around and didn't get to bed until like 10:30 (which is a problem when one gets up at 6am).  Sigh.  I tried to read today's seminar paper during my lunch break and nearly fell asleep -- and at some point during house church tonight I developed a headache.


"Joy Sadhana is a daily practice in the observation of joy."
-mylittleredgirl [ more info]

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Five good things about today:
1. L's email prompted an interesting thought
2. Ross emailed me about getting coffee tomorrow.
3. I enjoy that the pasta guy (Felipe) remembers what it is that I usually order.
4. Soup supper tonight included vegan potato leek soup :)  I was gonna get the vegan lentil soup for my seconds, but the potato soup was really tasty so I got seconds of that instead.
5. I was really impressed that we managed to pull together a 4-line We Believe at the tail end of small group discussion.

Three things I did well today:
1. I got up with my alarm, did my requisite morning stuff and went to the [gym] 45min treadmill (4.0mph, 1.5incline)
2. I made the week's CWM deposit.
3. I scribed during the We Believe portion of tonight's small group discussion.

Two things I am looking forward to (doing [better]) tomorrow:
["anything that you're looking forward to, that means you're facing tomorrow with joy, not trepidation," as Ari says]
1. Coffee with Ross.
2. CAUMC small group.


Laura Ruth's preaching on chronic illness this Sunday (topic requested by the day's liturgist; with lectionary text about loving the enemy) and is picking people's brains.  The thing that immediately came to mind for me was The Spoon Theory.  I know I've read other personal essays, but I don't think I have anything bookmarked (and now I'm recalling that there was a blog against disablism day -- and yeah, I totally went to jadelennox's tags to find the articulation of exactly what it was I was remembering), so I thought I'd solicit your input -- sorry I don't have anything more specific about what she's looking for.

gymming it up, poking the interbrain, issues: disability, joy sadhana

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