"Waitresses look like waitresses who want to leave for the west coast"

Dec 16, 2007 23:10

I woke up at 7:41 on my own this morning (had set my alarm for 8).  Though I did take a nap around noon for about 40 minutes, an hour.  And again from like 4-6:30.

Morning church got canceled.  E-mail from Sarah D. from 9am-ish:
    Karl, has said, "Stay home its really bad out there."  Hope everyone gets this and has a safe warm Sunday.).

Around 2pm Tiffany sent an e-mail canceling evening church:Dear CWM Friends,

Church services for this evening have been canceled due to the inclimate weather.

Stay home, stay warm and enjoy an evening of sabbath rest!

Enclosed you will find two thoughts for meditation offered by Marla [redacted] for her planned sermon this evening.

"[One] who seeks to understand everything
risks dying of anger."
- Arab proverb

Come Promised One!
Do not smile and say
you are already with us.
Millions do not know you
and to us who do,
what is the difference?
What is the point
of your presence
if our lives do not alter?
Change our lives, shatter
our complacency.
Make your word
flesh of our flesh,
blood of our blood
and our life's purpose.
Take away the quietness
of a clear conscience.
Press us uncomfortably.
For only thus
that other peace is made,
your peace.

-Dom Helder Camara
While I did get dressed today (sans shoes), I have not left the house all day.  I'm actually looking forward to going in to work tomorrow because I'll be around people and getting stuff accomplished.


Advent meditation: Isaiah 35:1-10 (from Scripture Readings: Advent to Pentecost, copyright 1989, by the Carmelites of Indianapolis)
     Mary R. did the meditation.  She mentioned, "Are we not all on this journey?  Are we gentle with each other as we blunder along, trying to find our way?"


joy sadhana for Advent (15)

"Joy Sadhana is a daily practice in the observation of joy." -mylittleredgirl [ more info]

And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before our God to prepare the ways, to give knowledge of salvation to God's people by the forgiveness of sins.  By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."
-Luke 1:76-79

Five good things about today:
1. The aforementioned sleep.
2. Counting Crows, The New Pornographers, Tom McRae, Thea Gilmore, Dar Williams
3. Meredith and Mike are sending out hardcopy wedding invitations, which I think is sweet.
4. I found a shirt I'd forgotten about and that I now totally plan to wear for the HBS holiday party on Wednesday.
5. Reminiscing.

Three things I did well today:
1. I am up to <700 words on my SeSa fic.  (I was hoping to finish today, but at least I'm significantly closer to the minimum word count.)
2. I fed myself.  And washed dishes.
3. I paid my credit card bill.

Two things I am looking forward to (doing [better]) tomorrow:
1. As mentioned above, I'm actually looking forward to going back to work -- interacting with people and being productive.
2. We finished the HIMYM DVDs on Friday, so Eric's gonna bring in Weeds for us to watch.

advent: 2007: readings/meditations, weather: snow: 2007-2008, joy sadhana

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