The latest installment of the Black-Granger saga “The Valiant Never” has been posted at ffn. Your teaser for this evening:
Chapter 33: But Once
Twigs snapped ahead; bird twittering ceased abruptly. Senses heightened in Sirius, and he slowed his steps, wand drawn. Further rustling drifted from the path to his right, and carefully Sirius crept through underbrush toward the sounds, caution slowing breath and easing step.
Reaching a stride from the foliage bent and down trodden - the only sign of their passage hours before - Sirius Black fell back into the shadows to observe. Steady, calm… movement from down the way, nearing the bend only yards from him. Nearer, nearer… halt. Contemplative pause with higher brush movement. Resume steps. Reaching the bend… Sirius’ eyes focused, his breath tight.
“Oh, shit…”
If you’d like to follow along in your e-book, turn to page: Reviews are MUCH loved; they feed the starving soul of a writer. They encourage me by letting me know you’re still interested in the story! ;-)
Comments and questions regarding “The Valiant Never” may be posted here or via review on (see link above). I’ll be glad to discuss it, and I always reply to reviews at ffn.
You may also find “The Valiant Never” archived (albeit slowly) at my community Kat Tales, located at: