Apr 28, 2005 20:20
Hey guys whats up? Nothing much going on in Texas well actually thats not true my mom called me today and said "Do you remember that weird little girl Brenda that you used to go to daycare with?" and I said n othen she described her to me andthen I remembered who she was talking about and I rember that no one would play with her and she would like touch you all the time and stuff and then my mom asked me what she was like and I told her and then she said she got sent to jail and you will never guess why it was for like sexual assult on a minor how crazy huh like you could kinda tell when she was like 10 that would happen! well anyways I do have some good new I don't know if any of you are familar with oldfan on portkey he's writing "When Harry Met Hermione" yeah well I am his new or first beta so thats pretty cool so make sure to check out that story and tell us how it is and that just about it for today so I will be back tomorrow