Glee: "Idiosyncrasy" (10 / ?)

Jun 02, 2011 12:05



Artist: Idina Menzel





Quinn pounded her right fist against the wall. She couldn't believe how hot headed she was back there. She fully knew what Noah was playing at. He wasn't interested in Rachel romantically - he promised her last year - that his love for Rachel was pearly sibling feelings. She trusted him on this.

Then why such a violent reaction to his play acting? If it were Finn than yeah it would be understandable - although Rachel was currently dating the giant freak. She felt her blood boil just at the thought of Finn. Her fist slammed back against the wall.

Turing so her back was pressed tightly against the wall. "Great!" She whispered. "Get it together Quinn! You can't let Rachel know - it's too soon. Much much too soon."

"Hello Quinn." Brittany spoke as she stepped into the hallway.

"Not now Brittany." Quinn closed her eyes. She did the breathing techniques that she learned when she first found out she was pregnant. She felt a hand on her shoulder, her eyes jerked open. "..Brittany! God; can't you take a direct hint." She felt her chest clench as her anger returned full force.

Brittany silently pulled Quinn into her. She just gently tightened her hold as Quinn began to fight. Finally Quinn wrapped her arms tightly around her back, and returned the hug. She felt the shorter blond lay her head on her shoulder, and felt hot tears against her neck.

Quinn fought desperately to get herself back under control - but she felt the overwhelming emotions over run her tired soul. She couldn't keep up with her emotions any longer. "I made a complete ass of myself back there. Rachel will never forgive me."

"Who says I wouldn't." Quinn jerked out of Brittany's arms to find Rachel standing at the end of the hallway. "Hey." Rachel softly said.

"I-i-i c-can't do this ri-right now." Quinn slowly backed away. "I'm s-sorry." She turned on her heels and fled.

Rachel sighed as she simply watched Quinn ran away. "Thank you for being such a good friend to Quinn, Brittany." She never took her eyes from the last spot where Quinn had been before turning the corner.

"I thought my hug would help her." Brittany said in her ear. "I was wrong. But perhaps I'm not wrong this time." She gently wrapped her arms around Rachel, and pulled the shorter diva into her chest. She felt Rachel return her hug.

"I can feel Quinn's tears." Rachel whispered against her shoulder.

The bell rang shirlly.

"Brittany we need to get too class. Now." Santana roughly said. She stood at the entrance too the hall with her arms folded tightly across her chest. Her right foot was thumping like thumper on crack. Her jaw was stiff as she willed all her emotions deep down into her soul.

Rachel pulled away from the taller blond. "You guys go on. I'll go locate Quinn. We'll meet you later for lunch." She looked over the blond cheerleader's shoulder at the Latin. "If I need you …."

Santana rolled her eyes. "I'll get Q. back to herself if you can't, Berry."

"Thanks Santana." Rachel smiled gently before turning, and going where Quinn had gone minutes before.


Rachel pushed with her hand against the cool surface of the bathroom door. The bathroom that she had truly called her home since the first day of freshman year - the day that she got her first ever slushy It was the room that she felt the safest in - well expect for the Auditorium that was. She found it sad that she called a public bathroom a safe haven. She was just lucky that hardly anyone uses this bathroom.

Perhaps they all stopped when they watched her use it to change from her slushy attacks. Truly only ones who entered where the girls whom wanted to insult her. But ever since she and Quinn had become friends - and so close together the slushy facials had all but stopped - and no one else uses this restroom. Expect her and Quinn.

Taking a deep breath she gently pushed open the door. She found Quinn sitting on the ground; with her knees pulled tightly against her chest. Her chin was resting on her knees. She allowed the door to swing shut behind her. She carefully made her way to her seated best friend. Kneeling down until she could sit against the wall beside the blond. "I'm sorry that I made you come to school today, Quinn. I should have realized that you needed more time with your daughter."

"Shut up." Quinn growled low in her throat. "Just shut the fuck up!"

Rachel's teeth clashed in their haste to obey the blond cheerleader.

"I don't what I'm doing any longer. I have no control over my emotional state whatsoever. I never thought I would be a total wreak at age seventeen, and in my junior year of high school." Quinn finally spoke after five minutes of tense silence.

Rachel remained silent. Her hands were tucked tightly between her pants legs; which were pulled up to her chest. She had managed to tuck in her chin as she looked at the shine that the janitor had managed to make the bathroom floor. She had been fighting back her tears for the past five minutes.

"Aren't you going to say anything!" Quinn barked out. Her dropped as Rachel cringed. "Shit!" She breathed out. "Rach -" She wrapped her arms around the frigid form of her the short Diva - whom in just a year came to mean more to her than her own life. "Rach-" She whispered close to Rachel's left ear.

"I don't like that she's back." Rachel moaned softly. She began to rock to and for - not feeling that her back kept hitting the wall behind her. "I thought she was finally gone."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Quinn pulled Rachel into her - to get the brunette to crawl into her, and too protect her back from the hard wall. Tears were rolling freely down her cheek. "I didn't mean to scare you baby, honest to God I didn't mean for her to ever return."

Rachel arms left her legs and grabbed hold on Quinn's upper arms. She pushed the blond from her. "I ca-c-can't have you comfort me when she is still on the surface." She backed away towards the stalls with her hands behind her. "I just c-can't h-handle it." She fell back wards as the stall's door pushed backwards on her.

Quinn stayed where she was. "Rachel!" She gasped.

Rachel sat up, and then jumped to her feet. "I'm fine. Truly I'm fine." She scooted out of the stall and made her way to the door. "Quinn, I'm sorry but I can't be here for you right now. Not like this. I'm sorry." She managed to open the door behind her back. "God, how sorry I am." She rushed into the empty corridor.

As the door slammed shut, Quinn bowed her head.


9:22 AM


Santana walked down the single lighted isle that led towards center stage. Sighing as she stopped midway down to the stage. Twisting her head to the right she sighed as she saw the lone figure sitting right smack in the middle seat. She moved silently towards the shorter brunette. "Figured I would find you here. Neither you are Q. showed up for homeroom or this period. You know Berry you aren't making your perfect attendance record today. You need to actually show your pretty little face in each class to get your marks."

Sitting down in the chair to the right of the silent Diva, "B. and I are filling in for you and Q. Luckily the past two periods we have Mr. Schue. But, you need to get to the rest of your classes. Other teachers aren't going to buy us telling them that you and Q. are actually here."

"I failed." Rachel whispered.

Her head tilted to the right, "How is that? You know that I'm just kidding here right. B. and I will of course cover for you the rest of the day. You won't get a black mark on your record. Puck will even help cover for you today. You didn't fail."

"I failed." Rachel repeated.

"Out with it." Santana sighed.

"I can't help Quinn with this..." Rachel began to rock to and forth. "Not when she's back."

Santana's eyes popped open. "I see …." Standing to her feet. "You going to be all right alone for a little while? I'm going to send B. here."

"Not Brittany." Rachel shook her head. "Can you get Noah?"

"Sure." Santana said turning and rushing down the isle. She was going to kill Quinn for this. How dare Quinn destroy all the progress that she had made with the tiny Diva in the past year. Quinn was a dead woman once she located her.

She stormed out of the auditorium with fire in her eyes. Pulling out her phone as she leaned against the wall. Puck get your ass to the auditorium NOW.

Santana turned down the hall that would led to the bathroom that she knew was special to her girls. It was time to hand down some much needed judgment. Harshly.


Slamming the door hard against the wall, Santana glared down where Quinn was in the fetal position on the floor. "Get off the floor bitch. I can not believe that you are the mother of my goddaughter, I'm not going to allow you to harm sweet baby Beth with the filth that you have gathered onto yourself. Honesty."

"Rachel ….." Quinn moaned over and over again.

Santana waited until the door clicked shut behind her. "You really blew it this time, Quinn." Turning she locked the door. She didn't want Rachel too come in any given moment. She wasn't concerned about any other student - because everyone knew that this bathroom was off limits expect to Rachel and Quinn. She had made damn sure of that the moment that Quinn told her that Rachel was no longer a target.

"Rachel..." Quinn continued to moan.

Santana knew that this situation called for some drastic measures. Otherwise there would be no bringing Quinn back from the brink of the ledge that she currently placed herself in. "So I guess Rachel is back too being a free agent. Glad to know that I can destroy the troll once more. Man Hands won't know what hit her once I'm threw with that little treasure tail of hers. I knew that she was just using you to move on up the food chain - glad that you came to your senses once more Quinn." She sneered as she finally knelt down in front of Quinn.

Quinn stopped dead still. Within a few seconds she sat up with death written on her face. "If you make on move against Rachel, Lopez, than I'll kill you myself."

Santana's right eye brow rose, "I see so even Beth wouldn't be worth your life." She laughed lowly. "I see that troll has managed to delude your thinking. Can't believe that I'm seeing this of Quinn Fabray - never thought I would ever see Quinn Fabray bow to another human being." She wanted to throw up with the words that were spewing from her mouth.

But it had too be done.

"Beth …." Quinn whispered as she stared into her enemy's eyes. "Rachel... Beth …." She closed her eyes as she tried too breath through the tightness of her chest.

"What's worth the fight for life for you Quinn?" Santana hissed in her ear. "Your daughter or your soul mate? You can have both you know. They are yours by right. But if you give up; than what?" Her voice harden, "If you give up the fight, than you'll feel my wrath in the after life."

Quinn breathed hard and fast, until she managed to get her breathing under control. "I can't believe that I let her out. I thought I slammed her into the darkest reaches of the inner most of my soul. I thought that I managed to lock her up for good."

Santana sighed as she took both of Quinn's hands tightly into her own. "She'll never be locked up,
Quinn. How can she be - when she had been created even before you were old enough to protect yourself from her?"

Tears ran freely down Quinn's cheeks.

"You are just as much of a victim of hers just as Rachel, and everyone else is. Even more so than anyone. Your parents created her perhaps even while you were still in your mother's womb. You didn't have a hand in creating her." Santana right hand rose and brushed aside the blond hair from the right side of Quinn's eyes. "But you are in control of her now. You get to decide when she's allowed out."

"I don't ever want her out again." Quinn steely said.

"She actually does have a place in this world, Quinn. She's there to help you protect Rachel and Beth. If anyone in the world even thinks of attacking or hurting Rachel and Beth, she'll be out fighting and protecting them." Santana smiled softly. "That's her true calling."

"How is my own worst enemy be the only saving grace that Rachel and Beth has?" Quinn shook her head.

"I never said she is the only saving grace for them." Santana smirked. "I'm saying that she's going to be helping you protect them." She turned serious once more. "You just need to learn to keep her under wraps expect for the extreme situations that she's called for."

"I scared Rachel so bad, S." Quinn moaned wrapping her arms around her waist. "I scared her more than I ever did in the past."

"Rachel trusts you." Santana simply said.

Quinn stared over the Latina's shoulder, "She shouldn't."

"Well she does. Just deal with it all ready." Santana stood to her feet, brushing off her cheerleader's skirt. "If you are going to be on the ground holding me on top, Q., than I suggest you get your ass out of this bathroom all freaking ready." She tucked the unkempt hair back into it's tight pony tail hold.

"Where is Rachel?" Quinn softly asked.

"Where do you think?" Santana said going to the door. Unlocking it, "Seriously Quinn, clean yourself off before you go too Rachel. You know how Berry is about cleanliness." She opened the door and left.

Quinn slowly got to her feet. She numbly watched her hands, and face as she stared into the mirror. She didn't recognize herself anymore.


Quinn slipped into the slightly ajar door to the auditorium and squinted in the dark trying to find Rachel. She knew that she would find the short Diva there; it was after all the most safest place that Rachel had at McKinley. Even more so than the restroom - and just slightly above the Glee choir room. She couldn't see her - but she could feel Rachel's essence in the room. She allowed the door to silently shut behind her as she slowly made her way down the center isle.

She stopped dead in her tracks two rows to where Rachel was sitting. She wasn't alone. By no means was she alone. Puck was sitting beside her - ever so close beside her. Quinn couldn't tell when he stopped and Rachel started. That was how close they were sitting.

Fire rose from her soul to her chest. Her fists clenched at her sides and her eyes grew hard. She opened her mouth to stop whatever was going on when; "She hates me." Rachel's broken voice broke through the firely haze in her brain.

"No she doesn't." Puck softly said as he tightened his hold around Rachel's waist.

"I ran." Rachel said. "When she needed me the most, I ran like a scared rabbit."

"Rachel..." Rachel's head lifted from Noah's chest and stared at Quinn at the end of the isle with tears rolling down her cheeks. Slowly she stood to her feet and made her way down the isle. Lifting her hand up to lightly run down the blond's right cheek line. "Oh God, Rachel I'm so sorry." Quinn sobbed throwing her arms tightly around Rachel and pulling the short Diva tightly to her. "I'm so, so sorry."

Rachel wrapped her arms around Quinn, and just held her as they both shared in their grief.


Author's Note: I have decided not to write a Winter 2015 part for this chapter. This song title best fits Quinn, and I just couldn't come up with a 2015 moment for her too overcome as I found for the Fall of 2010.

teenage angst, oh trouble hearts, oh boy, noah puckerman, sanatana lopez, brittany pieres, rachel berry, oh man, quinn fabary, beth fabary

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