Glee: "Idiosyncrasy" (8 / ?)

Jun 02, 2011 11:12



Artist: The Beatles

4.15.11 Author's Note: I just realized that I moved Rachel, and Holly's first meeting to the summer after Junior Year. So I moved Holly Holiday's time as subbing for Glee too Senior year. It still works out in the end. Just a year later is all.



Rachel smiled down into Beth's upturned face. "Hey there beautiful." She cooed softly into the tired one year old face. "I can't believe that you are one all ready. Where has the time simply gone? Last time I looked - you precious was still growing in your mommy's tummy."

Beth cooed right back. She also one upped her - by yawning. Rachel smirked. "You just had to go one better than me didn't you." Beth's cooed. Her nose twitched and she sneezed.

"I just knew that I would come up with the ultimate way of one upping you." Quinn let out a soft giggle from where she was leaning against the door frame. She sighed deeply, "Although I do wish I waited until after high school." She looked at the brunette whom was sitting in the rocking chair with her daughter. "But, I would never wish Beth away in a million years."

Rachel brought Beth up to her face. "Neither would I." She whispered as she kissed the smooth cheek. Beth turned slightly and kissed back. She gently laughed as she rubbed her face against Rachel's cheek. "I love you." Rachel whispered in the year old little girl's right ear. "Ever so much."

I love you. I have always loved you. I will love you until my dying breath. I'll love you in Heaven. Quinn silently watched as Rachel showed her love towards her daughter. She wished with all her heart that it was time to tell Rachel her true feelings. But the words simply wouldn't come forth.


Shelby sighed too herself as she stood outside the theater where her oldest daughter had taken the lead female role. She smiled, she was happy that Rachel finally achieved the beginnings of her dream of Broadway.

But the smile was wiped from her face as she realized that her baby girl wasn't happy. She was long from being happy. She had began to achieve her dreams and she wasn't in the place too be happy about it. She walked to the entrance and opened it up. Granted the general public didn't have access to the theater when it wasn't opened. But Shelby surprising was still a well known name in New York. Not only for her own small stint in her younger days - but now as Rachel Berry's mother.

She walked down the familiar isle of the theater. The theater that actually was her big break. Pausing she just stared at the stage. She had a starring role in Rent. She gently laughed under her breath at how awe struck she had been at twenty-two finally full filling her dreams. Her brow creased even the awe struck of being on Broadway couldn't erase the pain of not having her child with her. Her hand gripped the chair that she stood by. She blinked back the tears that threatened to unleash.

"If I live and breath." A jolly voice said from the far right of her. She twisted her head and a genuine smile lit up her face at the man that was making his way towards her. "Shelby Corcoran has come back to grace my poorly theater once more." He quickly pulled her into a tight bear hug.

"Henry, it's so good to see you once more." Shelby hugged Henry tighter. Pulling away, "I knew you still owned the theater, but I never had the chance to seek you out."

"You are in New York for a visit?" Henry right eye brow rose in question.

"No my husband and I have moved to New York four years ago." Shelby smiled.

"You are married. You must have dinner with my wife and I soon." Henry smiled.

"Will and I would love to dine with you and your wife." Shelby smiled.

"Good, good. So I don't mean to be impolite or anything. But is this visit of yours just a memory lane one?" Henry noticed how the younger woman's body tensed up.

"I'm here about my daughter. Rachel Berry." Shelby spoke.

"Rachel's your daughter?" Henry's eyes widen in surprise. "I should have realized. She does look like you. She has your talent and drive - and so much more of her own. She's a star. Just like her mother."

"Thank you." Shelby nodded. "Her fathers had done a wonderful job raising her. I wasn't around for her childhood. I chose to give up all rights to her when I signed the contact to help Giovanni and Kristopher to having a child of their own. I feel that if I had just stayed and been part of Rachel's life from the moment she was born - than Rachel wouldn't be in such a deep depression now."

"So it is a serious depression after all." Henry frowned in sadness. "I'm very sad to hear of this. I wish Rachel didn't have too ever go through depression. You are aware that Rachel has left the play?"

Shelby sighed deeply, "Yes I am aware. I'm sorry for it. Real sorry. Rachel is perfect for the role. But -"

"Her soul isn't in it anymore." Henry sighed. "Don't you fret, Shelby, Rachel has a solid place in my theater whenever she wants it. Among other theaters also. Rachel has it - and the world knows it."

"Thank you, Henry." Shelby spoke, but the words that she desperately needed to speak. The words that were buried deep within her soul that she couldn't even speak to William about. She just prayed that she was wrong in her fear.

"Come, you and Will will have dinner with Victoria and I tonight. We will catch up on our lives. I will tell you about my children, my grandchildren. You will tell me about your family. Yes, yes?" Henry tilted his head down to look into her downcast gaze.

"I don't think we'll be able to find a baby sitter at such short notice. Will and my own children are all under the age of eight." Shelby lifted her gaze to meet the compassionate gaze of her father figure in New York.

"How about we come over to your home? Victoria loves children. She'll want to be surrounded by your small ones." Henry prompted. He didn't feel at all embarrassed for inviting himself and his wife over to Shelby's home. This was Shelby after all.

Shelby gently laughed, "You just don't want to cook is all."

Henry held up his hands, "Guilty as charged. I don't want to deal with the dishes either."

"Okay. I'll inform Will that we'll have two more around the table tonight. I'm looking forward too seeing Victoria once more. I have missed her in the years that I was gone from New York." Shelby softly smiled.

"Where did you go? You never told me." Henry tilted his head.

"Ohio. Too Rachel." Shelby smiled sadly. "Although I had to live three hours away from her - and force myself not to make contact with her. When she was sixteen, I couldn't stand being apart from her any longer - so I tricked her into wanting to seek me out."

"I would love to hear the story. But I know that Victoria would also love to hear it. How about we save it till this evening - that way you'll only have too tell it once." Henry clasped his hands over her thin ones.

"Okay." Shelby whispered nodding her head. Leaning in and kissing his cheek. "Till tonight than, Henry." She turned and walked up the isle.

Henry shook his head. He said a silent prayer for both Shelby and Rachel. His two favorite girls outside of his wife, daughters and granddaughters.



"I'm so happy that you canceled all your lessons to spend the day with us, Rach." Quinn leaned back on her elbows as she smiled to the right of her at Rachel. Beth was leaning against her chest playing with her small teething toy. Her blanket was just barely covering her. "I'm so happy that you wanted too have some family time with us."

"Well it was two against one after all. You just had to go and get Beth to use her cutest of all cute faces. The ones that you just knew I couldn't resist. I was putty in your hands." Rachel said in mock anger. "You shouldn't have used your baby that way, Quinnie."

"You love it." Quinn just grinned and shrugged. Beth just cooed and spit a small bubble over at Rachel.

Rachel burst out in gleeful laughter. "Can't believe that I'm a person who actually goes all googly eyed over that."

Quinn giggled.

Rachel blushed as she stopped laughing. "I knew I loved babies. But I never saw the reason to get all baby talkie with them. They are intellect people after all. They just can't use their vocal codes yet - expect for whimpering, cooing, laughing, crying, screaming. But you can tell by their eyes that they do follow your words quite well."

Quinn raised an eye bow on this note. "Rach-"

Rachel sighed, "Okay so they don't understand what the words mean. But they can follow the speech pattens and tone of voices."

Quinn nodded.

"I promised myself after I made daddy and dad stop using baby talk on me - when I was four years old by the way - that I would never ever down talk a baby." Rachel's eyes lowered and met Beth's open hazel ones. "But this little one has wormed it out of me."

Quinn smiled down at her daughter. "She has that way about her." She ran her hand down Beth's right cheek.

"Hello." A woman said standing in front of the two girls and baby.

Both teens looked up curious at the smiling blond woman in front of them. Quinn wrapped her arms more protecting around her daughter. Beth cooed up.

"I couldn't help myself. I just had to come and smile down at this precious child." The woman said and knelt down her knees.

"Oh?" Rachel sat up straighter and moved closer towards Quinn and Beth.

"I'm sorry, Rachel, I should introduce myself." Rachel's eyes widen in surprise that this strange woman knew whom she was - when she didn't know whom the woman was. She never met the woman before in her life. She didn't think.

"My name is Holly Holiday." The woman smiled. "I almost was your surrogate mother."

Quinn balanced on that note. Well, that's coming right to the point. I have a feeling that if Ms. Holiday was Rachel's biological mother; that Rachel would still be Rachel. Although perhaps Rachel would have been blond and taller. She looked over at Rachel, I'm glad Rachel is exactly whom she is. I wouldn't change a thing.

"Oh." Rachel was somewhat speechless. This was the first woman too have said that too her in her life. "Was there a long list?"

Holly laughed gently, "No. Your fathers just had two choices too make. They made the correct one."

"Nice too meet you Ms. Holiday." Rachel had glanced down and didn't notice a wedding ring. Or any indent of an wedding ring. "I'm sorry too be so rude - but today is just really a family day."

"Oh of course. I just wanted to say hello to you is all, Rachel." Holly stood to her feet. "Perhaps I'll see you around town."

"Perhaps." Rachel was noncommittal.

Holly smiled once more and turned, and continued on her way.

"Okay, I must make a comment here." Quinn finally found her voice. Rachel turned to look at her - after making sure that Holly Holiday was no longer in line of sight. "That was very rude of you Rachel."

"Pardon?" Rachel's left eye bow rose high on her forehead.

"You were very rude to Ms. Holiday. All she wanted too do was say hello too you." Quinn worried her bottom lip.

"She wanted to brag that she was in line too being my surrogate mother." Rachel snorted. "I all ready knew that I was a test tube baby. Known since I was two. I all ready met my surrogate mother. I don't need to meet the women whom had answered my fathers adds." She sighed as she laid down on her back, with her hands behind her head.

"Rach -" Quinn protested.

"Don't Rach me, Quinn, I don't want to think about this non issue anymore." Rachel closed her eyes. "It is what it is. I wasn't made the way most people are made." She shrugged her shoulders, "So be it. I like being unique."

"Rach-" Quinn began once more.

Rachel opened her eyes and stared up into the concerned hazel eyes. "I just want to spend the day with you and Beth, Quinn, no one else. I didn't cancel my important training for my future to spend nice and quite frankly fake pleasantry too a woman whom volunteered to get me test tubed into her."

Quinn sighed, "Whenever you are ready to talk about it, Rach, know that I'm here for you."

"There's nothing too talk about." Rachel quickly stated. "Nothing."

Quinn leaned forward, feeling Beth pressing more firmly against her chest. Covering Rachel's hand with her own. "There's nothing too be afraid here, Rach."

Rachel looked Quinn dead in the eyes, "Who said I was afraid? I just don't want too deal with a non issue is all."

"I'm sorry." Quinn simply said. "I shouldn't have made you cancel your lessons today. If I hadn't than you wouldn't have met Ms. Holiday. You wouldn't be feeling like this right now."

Rachel sighed deeply, "Quinn, you didn't make me cancel my lessons. I truly wanted to spend the day with my family. I'm sorry that I got so up tight over Ms. Holiday. I just wasn't expecting the news was all."

"You like too expect everything in life don't you?" Quinn asked.

"I just don't like unexpected surprises is all." Rachel shrugged. "I would like to make my plans according too the information that I have on hand. Take taking daily slushies for instance. I know that they are coming - so I bring extra clothes, clean towels, my own terry cloth that I love against my skin and hair. Shampoo so that my hair isn't sticky or tangling all day." She held up her hand, "Don't you dare apologize again Quinn."

Quinn had opened her mouth too do just that the moment 'slushies' came out of Rachel's mouth. But than Rachel continued on explaining - and she knew that the short Diva was just stating cold hard facts.

"Whenever I prepare for anything, weather for Glee, plays, anything I like to be fully prepare. It's only professionalism to be fully prepared. I mean I would hate to be the cause of unnecessary delays on other people's valuable time." Rachel once more shrugged.

"I know that everyone says that I take life too seriously, Quinn, I know that it's one of my many real faults. But that's how I am. I tend to come off all Diva due too this - Mercedes and Kurt love to point that out any chance they can get." Lips pursed, "They actually help me tone it down," Rachel smiled, "I should let them know at some point."

"They would like to hear that." Quinn gently said. "They will finally tone down their high and mighty act if you make the first step."

Rachel nodded her head, "I know this." She sighed sheepishly, "I just haven't made it a priority it. See I still have some work too do." She played with a blade of grass, "I know that they only tolerant me right now is because of you."

"Hey now that's not true Rach." Quinn protested. "They are just stuck in their teenage personality too."

"Whenever you were sick, they always freely came up too me to see how you were doing. They questioned me very hard making sure that you were honestly being taken care of. That Beth was safe." Rachel stared down at the blade of grass, "When I was sick, did they come to you asking about my wealth fare? Did they even care."

Quinn opened her mouth - then closed it once more. She couldn't lie. But she knew Kurt and Mercedes well - and knew the two teens did actually care deeply for Rachel. They just haven't forcefully tore themselves out of the school's hatred of Rachel was all. She would make a point and discuss this with them.

"When I first met Shelby, and she denied me; did Mercedes give a fuck? Or did she quietly gleefully celebrate that my own mother didn't want me?" Rachel lifted her eyes to meet Quinn's concerned hazel ones.

"You don't give Mercedes much credit do you, Rachel?" Quinn didn't realize that her tone turned flat.

"At the time when I knew Mercedes had heard everything, I privately thought she was dying on the inside due to sheer laughter." Rachel shrugged. "Wouldn't have blamed her one bit." She looked down at the blade of glass in her fingers once more. "I'm sure that she was on the phone with Kurt the moment that we dropped her off at her home."

"She was texting him right after Shelby denied you." Quinn admitted. "But not gleefully. She was telling him that she felt so bad for you. That no one deserved to be abandoned by their parents."

"I would like to believe you." Rachel whispered.

"Then do." Quinn said gently but firmly.


"I would like to believe you." Rachel softly stared at the picture of Quinn by her bed.

"Then do." Quinn replied quietly on the other side of the closed door. Her head was resting against the wood work and she could hear Rachel's soft voice. It was that quiet in the house. She had driven Beth over to Shelby and Will's that morning. She had come home and came to sit out side of Rachel's bedroom. She hadn't moved since.


lovely afternoon in the park, teenage angst, holly holiday, beth fabray, glee, rachel berry, quinn fabary

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